Program Committee Chairs;
Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen, Paderborn University, Germany,
Prof. Dr. Christiane Lehrer, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark,
Prof. Dr. Matthias Trier, Paderborn University, Germany,
Submissions from 2023
Addressing Learners' Heterogeneity in Higher Education: An Explainable AI-based Feedback Artifact for Digital Learning Environments, Felix Haag, Sebastian A. Günther, Konstantin Hopf, Philipp Handschuh, Maria Klose, and Thorsten Staake
AI in Government: A Study on Explainability of High-Risk AI-Systems in Law Enforcement & Police Service, Fabian Walke, Lars Bennek, and Till J. Winkler
A Longitudinal Examination of AI Fairness on Online Labor Markets, Brittany Green, Manju Ahuja, Rui Sundrup, and Ryan Quinn
Analyzing the Needs of Ukrainian Refugees on Telegram in Real-Time: A Machine Learning Approach, Raphael Reimann and Matthew Caron
An Integrative Model of AI Competencies for Business Students and Where to Acquire Them, Muhammed-Fatih Kaya, Christopher Zirnig, Marah Blaurock, Felix Zechiel, and Mareike Schoop
Antecedents of Non-Ownership Business Model Offerings in the Mechanical Engineering Industry – A Set Theoretic Approach, Philipp Scharfe
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – Exploring Bias in Inclusive Chatbot Design, Ricarda Schlimbach, Anika Stoppel, Lucas Lampka, and Susanne Robra-Bissantz
Applying Random Forests in Federated Learning: A Synthesis of Aggregation Techniques, Mattis Bodynek, Florian Leiser, Scott Thiebes, and Ali Sunyaev
A Prototype to Support Business Model Innovation through Crowdsourcing and Artificial Intelligence, Arthur Klippenstein, Dr. Christoph Weskamp, Florian Laux, Florian Neuhaus, Karlson Pfannschmidt, Melissa Bülling, and Dr. Stephan Kassanke
Artificial Intelligence Explainability Requirements of the AI Act and Metrics for Measuring Compliance, Fabian Walke, Lars Bennek, and Till J. Winkler
A State of the Art Overview on Biosignal-based User-Adaptive Video Conferencing Systems, Julia Seitz, Chiara Krisam, and Ivo Benke
Automated Knowledge Extraction from IS Research Articles Combining Sentence Classification and Ontological Annotation, Sebastian Huettemann
Automized Assessment for Professional Skills – A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Avenues, Leonie Rebecca Freise and Ulrich Bretschneider
Barriers along the Digital Social Innovation Process: A Structured Literature Review, Christoph Buck, Laura Kempf, Katharina Kneissel, and Anna Krombacher
Beyond Binary Boundaries – Exploring the Potential of Categorical Variables in Counterfactual Explanations, Philipp Hühn and Simon Hofer
Boosting Benefits, Offsetting Obstacles – the Impact of Explanations on AI Users’ Task Performance, Marie Christine Walter, Hanna Rebecca Broder, and Maximilian Förster
BPMN-Erweiterungen zur Vormodellierung von Flexibilität für den Kontrollfluss von Geschäftsprozessen, Thomas Bauer
Budget-Feasible Market Design for Biodiversity Conservation: Considering Incentives and Spatial Coordination, Eleni Batziou and Martin Bichler
Building Habits in the Digital Age: Incorporating Psychological Needs and Knowledge from Practitioners to Inform the Design of Digital Therapeutics, Jeannette Stark, Thure Weimann, Felix Reinsch, Emily Hickmann, Maren Kählig, Carola Gißke, and Peggy Richter
Building Sustainable Business Practices: Design Principles for Reusable Artificial Intelligence, Mirheta Omerovic Smajlovic, Anne Zöll, and Alhasan Rami
Can a Button Change your Purchase? – The Effect of the Accessibility of Consumer Reviews on Consumers’ Online Purchase Decisions, Andrea Wrabel, Alexander Kupfer, and Steffen Zimmermann
Closing the Gender Gap: Initial Findings and Lessons Learned from a German Medium-Sized IT Services Company's Efforts for Career Changers, Kathrin Heinle, Kristina Kusanke, Jennifer Kendziorra, and Anne-Katrin Witte
Concept into Architecture (CiA) – Integration von Expertenwissen im Rahmen einer automatisierten Erstellung operationeller NAF-Architekturen, Sebastian Jahnen, Ulrike Lechner, and Stefan Pickl
Conflicting Identities during Digital Transformation Efforts of an Incumbent Automotive Firm, Anna Keilbach, Andreas Hein, and Helmut Krcmar
Context-Aware Marketing Attribution Based on Survival Analysis, Kilian Züllig, Stefan Napirata, and Steffen Zimmermann
DataOps as a Prerequisite for the Next Level of Self-Service Analytics – Balancing User Agency and Central Control, Henning Baars
Decide wisely: Interactive videos as appealing educational element to attract students to information security, Martin Brehmer
Decoding the Landscape of Smart City Platforms: A Taxonomy Approach, Kenneth Richter, Markus P. Zimmer, and Kristina Lemmer
Design and Development of Virtual Patients for Healthcare Education: State of the Art and Research, Carolin Gellner, Anne-Katrin Witte, and Till J. Winkler
Designing Digital Infrastructures for Industrial Data Ecosystems – A Literature Review, Anna Maria Schleimer and Estelle Duparc
Designing In-Store Navigation Systems in Physical Retail, Bijan Khosrawi-Rad, Lea Sophie Fischer, Carolin Kaiser, and Susanne Robra-Bissantz
Designing Unlearning Support Systems: A Requirements Catalog, Marco Di Maria, David Walter, Thorsten Schoormann, and Ralf Knackstedt
Design Principles for Institutionalized Data Ecosystems – Results from a Series of Case Studies, Patrick Weber, Maximilian Werling, and Henning Baars
Digital Detox Research: An Analysis of Applied Methods and Implications for Future Studies, Nina Hager, Fabian J. Stangl, and René Riedl
Digitale Mobilitätsplattformen: Ein interdisziplinäres Reallabor für nachhaltige Mobilität in Mittelstädten, Fabian Lang
Digital Follow-up after Surgery – A Randomized Controlled Trial and its Effects on Patients’ Adherence and Doctor-Patient Relationship, Kirsten Hannah Seerig, Nikola Finze, Cui Yang, and Heiko Gewald
Digital Service Innovation for Sustainable Development: A Systematic Literature Review, Daniel Heinz, Mingli Hu, Carina Benz, and Gerhard Satzger
Empowering Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and the Moderating Effect of Individual Ambidexterity of Information Technology Workers, Kristina Kusanke and Till J. Winkler
Ensuring Energy Affordability through Digital Technology: A Research Model and Intervention Design, Saskia Bluhm, Philipp Staudt, and Christof Weinhardt
Executive AI Literacy: A Text-Mining Approach to Understand Existing and Demanded AI Skills of Leaders in Unicorn Firms, Marc Pinski, Thomas Hofmann, and Alexander Benlian
Exploring Central Platform Types and Related Concepts in Service Research – A Systematic Literature Review, Philipp Hansmeier
Exploring Digital Social Norms Nudges in E-Grocery: Typical Consumer Testimonials with a Warm Glow, Phillip Oliver Gottschewski-Meyer, Nicole Lüddemann, Marvin Auf der Landwehr, and Christoph von Viebahn
Exploring Multi-Agent Systems for Intermodal Freight Fleets: Literature-based Justification of a New Concept, Dennis Maecker, Henning Gösling, Christoph Heinbach, and Friedemann Kammler
From Apathy to Algoactivism: Worker Resistance to Algorithmic Control in Food Delivery Platforms, Matthias Weber, Alexander De Jong, and Ulrich Remus
From Challenges to Solution Pathways for Industrial Data Ecosystems - A Socio-Technical Perspective, Marc Brechtel, Dimitri Petrik, and Katharina Hölzle
Gender and Mobility – A Literature Review on Women's (Non-)Use of Shared Mobility Services, Jennifer Kendziorra, Michelle Nathalie Barmann, Anne-Katrin Witte, and Kristina Kusanke
Governance of Decentralized Platform Ecosystems, Vincent Heimburg, Hanna Alakbarov, and Manuel Wiesche
Herausforderungen von KMU bei der Wertschöpfung auf B2B-Plattformen: Ein Scoping Review, Pepe Bellin, Alessia Nowak, Duy Anh Vu, Julia Pham, and Martin Matzner
How Best to Hunt a Mammoth - Toward Automated Knowledge Extraction From Graphical Research Models, Sebastian Huettemann, Roland M. Mueller, Kai R. Larsen, Barbara Dinter, and Joshua Campos Chiny
How Engineers perform Data Science Work: Designing Hybrid Roles, Amelie Lena Schmid and Manuel Wiesche
How Explainable AI Methods Support Data-Driven Decision Making, Dominik Stoffels, Susanne Grabl, Thomas Fischer, and Marina Fiedler
How to Convey Resilience: Towards A Taxonomy for Conversational Agent Breakdown Recovery Strategies, Shengjia Feng
Human perceptions of fairness: a survey experiment, Julian Sengewald, Anissa Schlichter, Markus Siepermann, and Richard Lackes
Implementing Smart Contracts: The case of NFT-rental with “pay-per-like”, Johannes Schneider, Alfred Sopi, and Jan vom Brocke
Improving the Efficiency of Human-in-the-Loop Systems: Adding Artificial to Human Experts, Johannes Jakubik, Daniel Weber, Patrick Hemmer, Michael Vössing, and Gerhard Satzger
Influencing Factors for the Adoption of Speech Assistance in Manufacturing, Philipp Klingner and Philipp Scharfe
Instrumentalising Dignity to Govern Digital Ethics: Towards a Unified View, Nick Lüthi and Christian Matt
Interoperability Maturity Model: Orchestrator Tool for Platform Ecosystems, Lars Stegemann
Introducing a methodological approach to determine value shares in Digital Ecosystems, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Simon Hagen, Tobias Kohl, Henrik Kortum, Fabian Illgen, Jonas Rebstadt, Oliver Thomas, and Oliver Hinz
Investigating the Use of Augmented Reality and Machine Learning in Electrical Engineering Courses, Miles Al Mehdawi, Tobias Dreesbach, Henning Gösling, and Marcel Brinkmann
IT-Related Time Poverty: Identifying Antecedents and Consequences of a Lack of Time Related to IT Use, Manfred Schoch and Christoph Weinert
Low-Coders, No-Coders, and Citizen Developers in Demand: Examining Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Through a Job Market Analysis, Björn Binzer and Till J. Winkler
Managing Customer Data in Data-driven Service Innovation: A Framework of Data Principles, Katharina Blöcher, Olaf Reinhold, and Rainer Alt
Managing Cybersecurity and Other Fraud Risks in Small and Medium Enterprises – A Framework to Build a Fraud Management Program in Times of Digitalization, Michaela Karin Trierweiler and Barbara Krumay
Messung von AI Literacy – Empirische Evidenz und Implikationen, Patrick Weber, Lorenz Baum, and Marc Pinski
Navigating within the Digitalization Journey: Results and Implications of the First Maturity Assessment of German Public Health Agencies, Anna Lina Kauffmann, Maria Neubauer, Felix Reinsch, Melina Reuther, Doreen Schick, Jeannette Stark, Katja Bley, Nick Heidmann, and Torsten Eymann
Overcoming the Data Transparency Trade-Off: Designing a Blockchain-Based Delivery Invoice System for the Construction Industry, Jonathan Lautenschlager, Jan Stramm, Tobias Guggenberger, Artur Rösch, and Andrè Schweizer
Patient centricity in IS healthcare – a framework proposing enablement, empowerment, and engagement of patients as individual IS users, Jan Maschewski and Kristina Lemmer
Potenziale des Metaversums für E-Commerce: Eine Analyse aus Sicht der Affordance-Theorie, Max Gräser and Rainer Alt
Power Imbalances in Society and AI: On the Need to Expand the Feminist Approach, Eva Johanna Gengler, Marco Wedel, Alexandra Wudel, and Sven Laumer
Process and Strategy Mining in Real-Time Strategy Games, Nico Elbert, Nikolai Stein, and Christoph M. Flath
Punctuality Predictions in Public Transportation: Quantifying the Effect of External Factors, Tim Meyer-Hollatz, Nina Schwarz, and Tim Werner
Requirements for a Federated Learning System to strengthen IT Security in Human Resource Management, Lisa Verlande, Steffi Rudel, and Ulrike Lechner
Revealing Hidden Self-financed Wash Trading in Non-Fungible-Token Markets, Henri Beyer, Patrick Seidel, Sven Stahlmann, and Detlef Schoder
Revealing the Voices of Resistance: A Q-Methodology Study on Platform Workers in the Gig Economy, Matthias Weber, Ulrich Remus, Manfred Geiger, and Alexander De Jong
Seizing the Potential of Algorithms: The Power of Personalized Persuasive Messages on the Use of Algorithmic Advice, Simon Asbach, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, and Andreas Fügener
Selecting Appropriate Process Models for IT Projects: Towards a Tool-Supported Decision Approach, Michael Dominic Harr and Sarah Seufert
Shopping in a Virtual Reality: A Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) based Systematic Literature Review, Sophia Patrizia Elsholz, Jakob Johannes Korbel, and Rüdiger Zarnekow
Social aspects in organisational cyber-security effectiveness - Of British coal mines, resilience and emergence, Tom Fabian Hofmann, Danielly de Paula, and Falk Uebernickel
Software in the Manufacturing Industry: A Review of Security Challenges and Implications, Yannick Landeck, Dian Balta, Martin Wimmer, and Christian Knierim
The Broken Leg of Algorithm Appreciation: An Experimental Study on the Effect of Unobserved Variables on Advice Utilization, Dirk Leffrang
The Motivation of Companies to Implement Corporate Digital Responsibility Activities Voluntarily: An Empirical Assessment, K. Valerie Carl, Michael Kubach, and Cristina Mihale-Wilson
The Sound of Progress: Investigating the Representation of Artificial Intelligence in Music, Leonardo Banh and Gero Strobel
The Type to Listen to the Machine? The Effect of Personality on the Use of AI Advice, Simon Asbach, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy, and Andreas Fügener
Through the Lens of Cognitive Functions and Contextual Factors – A Study of the Action Potentials of Artificial Intelligence in Business Process Management, Simon Meierhöfer and Claudius-Merlin Dorner
Toward Government as a Platform: An Analysis Method for Public Sector Infrastructure, Peter Kuhn, Liudmila Zavolokina, Dian Balta, and Florian Matthes
Towards a Taxonomy for Neighborhood Volunteering Management Platforms, Hans Betke, Michaelle Bosse, Fotini Tzavala-Reusch, Stephan Kuehnel, and Stefan Sackmann
Towards Designing a NLU Model Improvement System for Customer Service Chatbots, Daniel Schloß, Ulrich Gnewuch, and Alexander Maedche
Towards Hybrid Architectures: Integrating Large Language Models in Informative Chatbots, Arnold F. Arz von Straussenburg and Anna Wolters
Treating the End of the Data Life Cycle as a First-Class Citizen in Data Engineering, Daniel Tebernum and Falk Howar
Trust me, I’m an Intermediary! Exploring Data Intermediation Services, Julia Christina Schweihoff, Ilka Jussen, and Frederik Möller
Uncovering Drivers for the Integration of Dark Patterns in Conversational Agents, Tim Kollmer, Alessa Hauser, Viviana Oberhofer, Gregor Blossey, and Andreas Eckhardt
Understanding Business Process Evolution in Digital Ventures, Tobias Wuttke, Thomas Haskamp, Michael Perscheid, and Falk Uebernickel
Understanding the Effectiveness of Interactive Elements in Video-Based Learning: An Experimental Study, Maximilian Raab, Julian Weidinger, Nico Hirschlein, Jan-Niklas Meckenstock, Lisa Thron, and Eric Felix Ulbricht
Unpacking the Black Box: A Cognitive Process Model of Escalation of Commitment in IS Project Management, Carolin Marx and Falk Uebernickel
Unraveling Information-Limiting Environments: An Empirical Review of Individual, Social, and Technological Filters in Social Media, Kian Schmalenbach, Eva Gengler, Sebastian Schötteler, and Sven Laumer
Using Hexad Archetypes to Motivate Students in a Chatbot-enhanced Web-based Training, Ricarda Schlimbach, Jannika Behne, Tim Lange, and Susanne Robra-Bissantz
What is the Minimum to Trust AI?—A Requirement Analysis for (Generative) AI-based Texts, Christoph Tomitza, Myriam Schaschek, Lisa Straub, and Axel Winkelmann