
The potential ethical issues of their digital products and services for consumers represent a challenge for many companies. Above obeying the laws, stakeholders expect companies also to consider any ethical ramifications of their products and services. Companies have responded by establishing different digital ethics governance approaches, such as ethics boards, new specialist roles, or extended responsibilities for compliance officers. However, criticism holds that all approaches may only be “ethics washing”, lacking the effectiveness to influence product and service design effectively. An informed response requires a unified view to judge the effectiveness of digital ethics governance approaches on digital product and service design. We hold that dignity is the missing link to connect ethical governance approaches with their effects on the operational level. We, therefore, provide the CAGE Framework (Claims, Affronts, Governance, Effects) for dignity, which details the organisational lifecycle for effective digital ethics governance.

Paper Number



Track 1: Digital Responsibility: Social, Ethical & Ecological Implication of IS
