16th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2024)
Program co-chairs and proceedings editors:
Elena Parmiggiani (NTNU, Norway)
Cleopatra Bardaki (Harokopio University of Athens, Greece)
Luís Silva Rodrigues (CEOS.PP, ISCAP, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal)
Submissions from 2024
Price Discounts In Online Two-sided Markets: The Impact Of Customer Loyalty And Buyer Switching, Salman Aljazzaf and Ahmad Ashkanani
A Scoping Review at the Intertwining of Minimal Resource Consumption and Digital Phenomena, Hajer Aloulou, Claudio Vitari, and Zouhour Smaoui Hachicha
Governance and Value Creation in Blockchain Platforms for Financial Inclusion, Alvaro Arenas and Rebecca Trivelli
NFTs Beyond the Hype: How Creative Entrepreneurs Harness the Token Economy, Abena Asante, Katharina Drechsler, and Leona Chandra Kruse
Big Data Analysis Applied to the Retail Sector, Luis Barata, Gonçalo Rosa, Tiago Martins, Pedro Silva, and Eurico Lopes
Competing Forecasting Models to Study Crisis Periods: The Case of Sweet Snack Sales, Sara Barradas and Patrícia Martins
Exploring ethical and inclusive questions related to artificial intelligence systems with the help of the philosophical positions of Kant and Hegel, Marc Bidan, Magalie Duarte, Sylvie Michel, and Sylvie Gerbaix
Barriers to the adoption of chatbots in the online shopping environment, Fatine Bouqlila, Dounia Dahab, and Salma Megzari
Development of a Mobile App to Inspire Environmental Education in a Scholar Community, Luís Bruno, Elsa Rodrigues, and Anabela Durão
Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing CRM Activities within E-commerce a Systematic Literature Review, Yunus Emre Bulut and Nazım Taşkın
Exploring Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Governance: An integrative literature review, Carlos Cabello and Patrick Mikalef
Understanding the role of Artificial Intelligence tools in project performance domains, Marcirio Silveira Chaves, Jefferson Rodrigues Alves, and Eduardo Fuchs Curço
Competence in the Era of Digital Automation: Implications for Knowledge Workers – A Literature Review, Naomi Chikumbi Zulu, Michel Thomsen, and Maria Åkesson
Regulatory Convergence and Divergence: A Study on the Synergies and Conflicts among Key Cybersecurity European Legislation, Anacleto Correia and António Gonçalves
Digital Transformation in the Welfare Sector: Unveiling Caseworkers’ Role for Service Provision, Ilaria Crivellari, Charlotte Husom Grøder, and Elena Parmiggiani
The Neutrality and Dichotomy of Self-Sovereign Identity: An Exploratory Study, Ana Paula de Amorim and Rui Dinis Sousa
Fostering Cross-Functional Collaboration in Continuous Digital Service Innovation: Individual and Group-Level Perspectives, Jenny Elo, Juuli Lumivalo, Tuure Tuunanen, and Markus Salo
Blockchain Cases in the Justice Field and a Tokenisation Research Agenda, Fernando Escobar, Henrique Santos, and Teresa Pereira
Empowering Health Data Fusion: A Federated Virtual Knowledge Graph Approach Leveraging The Ontop Platform, Abid Ali Fareedi, Muhammad Ismail, Ahmad Ghazawneh, Shehzad Ahmed, and Syed Ahmad Chan Bukhari
Management of Changes in Projects - a Structured Literature Review, Raquel Ferreira, João Varajão, Rui Sousa, and Luis Silva Rodrigues
Secure Computing with Hidden Markov Models: Overcoming Barriers to GDPR Compliance, Antonio Goncalves and Anacleto Correia
Uncovering Individual and Collective Ambivalences in Digital Gaming: The Triggering Role of Game Design Paradoxes, Antti Hämäläinen, Markus Salo, and Henri Pirkkalainen
Governance of IT/OT Convergence: A Review of Academic and Practitioner Literature, Carolin Hantsch and Markus Westner
Value Co-creation and Co-destruction with Digital Actors: A Service-dominant Logic Perspective on Information Systems Use, Juuli Lumivalo and Jenny Elo
Integrating the is Success Model in the Devel-opment of an Intranet Project, Tiago Magalhães, João Varajão, Maria João Ferreira, Carlos Pinto, and Luis Silva Rodrigues
Twenty-five years (1998-2023) of Earnings Disclosure with Conference Calls: a Bibliometric Review focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Rodrigo Maia and Jorge Miguel Bravo
Support systems to mitigate bias and demystify complex decisions, Pedro Marques and Paulo Melo
Knowledge Management Capabilities On Perceived Performance In It Smes: A Bibliometric Analysis, Jéssica Martins, Jorge Bravo, and José Martins
Mitigating Bias In Academic Publishing: Towards Responsible (Gen)Ai-Augmentation In Peer-Rewiew Processes, Christian Meske, Daniel Eisenhardt, Dunja Šešelja, Christian Straßer, and Johannes Schneider
Algorithmic Governance for Food Supply Chain Transparency: an Umbrella Review, Marius Mikalsen, Elena Parmiggiani, Truls Bakkejord Ræder, and Signe Sønvisen
How partner firms develop dynamic capabilities to manage tensions in IT outsourcing relationships, Elvis Ngah, Valerie Duplat, Brian Tjemkes, and Henri Dekker
Dialogue In Digital Strategizing: An Exploratory Survey Study, Kristian Norling, Jonathan Crusoe, and Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström
Digital Automation Of Knowledge Work – A Literature Review On Implications For Work Environment, Olga Plotnikova, Maria Åkesson, and Michel Thomsen
Enhancing portfolio optimization with machine learning methods: A comparative study using commodity markets data, Bernardo Raimundo and Jorge Miguel Bravo
Navigating Digital Waters: The Role of Parental Behaviours and Parent-Child Relationships in Shaping Adolescents' Digital Maturity, Adithya Ramachar, Alvaro Arenas, and Konstantina Valogianni
Achieving Business Benefits Through Big Data Analytics: A Case Study in the Telecom Industry, Flávio Costa Romão and Mário Caldeira
Toward an explainable public health intelligence to detect depression using mobile application usage, Ehsan Sabzizadeh, Luz Rello, and Alberto Urueña
Data-Driven Decision-Making: Customizing Agile Development Application in ServiceNow for Enhanced Management Insights, Ricardo Saenger and Vitor Santos
The impact of data quality orchestration in data ecosystems: quantitative evidence from the Brazilian Judiciary, Felipe Fonseca Salerno and Antonio Carlos Gastaud Maçada
Piggyback to Green – Digital Transformation for Environmental Sustainability, Anika Schroder
Generative AI For Code Comment Classification: A Comparative Analysis, Busra Sebin, Nazim Taskin, and Nijat Mehdiyev
Challenges in Agile Transformations: A Comprehensive Review, Carina Späth and Markus Westner
Artificial Intelligence Insights on Success Evaluation in Information Systems Government-to-government Projects, Nilton Takagi and Thiago Ventura
Creating a Digital Transformation Maturity Model (Dx Mm) as A Single Solution, Nur Tanrıverdi and Aslı Sencer
Increasing understanding about the role of regulatory intermediaries in regulation – a scoping review and implications for the European AI Act, Erkki Tervo, Karin Väyrynen, and Netta Iivari
Alternative Work Arrangements and Artificial Intelligence: a Bibliometric Literature Review, Rebecca Trivelli, Marco Smacchia, Michele Cipriano, and Stefano Za
Acceptance of Remote Working Culture: Developing A Conceptual Model, Orkun Yildiz and Tuğba Elif Toprak-Yildiz