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Welcome from the Program Chairs
Over the years, AMCIS has been evolving into a major international conference even as it retains its regional feel. Over half of all authors on the papers to be presented in Lima this summer are from outside the Americas region. In total, 45 different nationalities are represented in the presentations. Roughly 48% of the authors on accepted papers come from the Americas region; 12% from the Australasia region and 40% from the European region. We thank all of you for traveling in many cases quite long distances with indirect, multiple-stop routes to attend AMCIS2010!
For more information about the program and paper acceptance rates, please click here

Dorothy Leidner
Baylor University

Joyce Elam
Florida International University
Submissions from 2010
Security and Information Technology, Winston Chong
Security Management Life Cycle (SMLC): A Comparative Study, Joobin Choobineh, Evan Anderson, and Michael R. Grimaila
CIO Turnover, IS Alignment and Revolutionary Change, Charles K. Chowa
Banking correspondents as social innovation network – The case of Banco Palmas, Tania Christopoulos
Knowledge Creation and Firm Performance: Mediating Processes from an Organizational Agility Perspective, Ting-Ting (Rachel) Chung, Ting-Peng Liang, Chih-Hung Peng, and Deng-Neng Chen
The use of Social Network Analysis to explore relationships between the Medical Informatics and Information Systems literature, Sophie Cockcroft
IT Services Management in the Curriculum: Challenges, Realizations, and Lessons Learned, Sue Conger Ph.D; Andrew Urbaczewski,; and Ramesh Venkataraman, Ph.D
Networked Mechanism Design Incentive Engineering in Service Value Networks as Exemplified by the Co-Opetition Mechanism, Tobias Conte, Benjamin Blau, and Rico Knapper
Conceptualizing Green IT Organizational Learning (GITOL), Vanessa Cooper and Alemayehu Molla
Developing and Justifying Energy Conservation Measures: Green IT under Construction, Jacqueline Corbett, Jane Webster, Koray Sayili, Ivana Zelenika, and Joshua Pearce
Effects of Aesthetics and Playfulness on Web Usability – An empirical investigation, Contantinos K. Coursaris, Sarah J. Swierenga, and Graham L. Pierce
Integrating Trust in technology and Computer Self- Efficacy within the Post-Adoption Context: An Empirical Examination, Kevin Craig, Stefan Tams, Paul Clay, and Jason Thatcher
Reducing Environmental Impact in Procurement by Integrating Material Parameters in Information Systems: The Example of Apple Sourcing, Ali Dada, Thorsten Staake, and Elgar Fleisch
Virtual worlds as adjustable environments for immersion in business meetings, Sébastien Damart, Christine Defuans, Doudja Saïdi Kabèche, and Mathias Szpirglas
The Evolving Influence of Diversity and Media in Virtual Organizations, Yan Dang and Susan A. Brown
Organizational Culture and Technology Use in a Developing Country: An Empirical Study, Subhasish Dasgupta and Babita Gupta
Adoption of Sustainability in IT Services: Role of IT Service Providers, Abhijit Datta, Shankha Roy, and Monideepa Tarafdar
A Preliminary Model of End-User Information Processing in the Software Exception Context, Joshua Davis and Brad Tuttle
Social Technologies: A six dimensions review of Genre, Claire Davison, Mohini Singh, and Paul R. Cerotti
Inclusive or Exclusive? Methodological Practice and Policy for Organisationally and Socially Relevant IS Research, Robert M. Davison
Knowledge Sharing Initiatives in a Chinese Professional Services Firm, Robert M. Davison
Social use and consequences of PGIS in local communities: a structurationist analysis of Sierra Nevada Project, Natalia Aguilar Delgado and Marlei Pozzebon
Developing an Assessment Process for a Master of Information Systems Program, Barbara B. Denison
Outsourcing Contact Centres to a Developing Country: A SWOT Analysis, Saba Derakhshani and Mike Hart
Concept to Support a Cost Effective Implementation of Information Technology Service Management according to ISO 20000, Jan-Helge Deutscher and Carsten Felden
An Intermediary’s Perspective on Co-creation: Mechanisms for Knowledge Management, Stephen R. Diasio
Unpacking the Politics of ICT4D: Modernity at the Expense of Political Liberty?, Antonio Diaz Andrade
Convolution of Complex Process Models and Ratios, Gunnar Dietz, Martin Juhrisch, and Katrina Leyking
Tutorial on the use of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) in IS Research, Angelika Dimoka
Pricing of Content Services – An Empirical Investigation of Music as a Service, Jonathan Doerr, Alexander Benlian, Johannes Vetter, and Thomas Hess
Towards a Methodology to Assess Changes in IT Business Value in Terms of Business Process Performance, Anne Dohmen, Michael Leyer, and Janusch Patas
IT Investment Management using the Real Options and Portfolio Management Approaches, Pietro Cunha Dolci, Antonio Carlos G. Maçada, and João Luiz Becker
Applying Design Science to IT Management: The IT-Capability Maturity Framework, Brian Donnellan and Markus Helfert
A method to measure the accounting abnormal returns of largescale information technology investments: the case of enterprise systems, Carlos A. Dorantes and Jan G. Clark
Comportamento mimético no abandono de sistemas ERP: o caso de uma organização brasileira, André Moraes dos Santos and Antonio Carlos G. Maçada
Barriers to Government Interoperability Frameworks Adoption, Ernani Marques dos Santos and Nicolau Reinhard
Microsoft Enterprise Consortium How To’s for the Classroom, Dr. David E. Douglas, Dr. Paul Cronan, and Dr. Bradley Jensen
Investigating Determinants of Voting for the “Helpfulness” of Online Consumer Reviews: A Text Mining Approach, Wenjing Duan, Qing Cao, and Qiwei Gan
Antecedents to Supply Chain Integration, Kevin P. Duffy
Informational Determinants of Customer Acquisition and eTailer Revenue, Amitava Dutta
Drivers of Knowledge Contribution in Open Fora: Findings from Wikipedians, Amitava Dutta, Rahul Roy, and Priya Seetharaman
A Bibliometric Comparision of the Usage of Two Theories of IS/IT Acceptance (TAM and UTAUT), Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Navonil Mustafee, Lemuria D. Carter, and Michael D. Williams
Investigating Coordination Indicators in Epidemiological Surveillance for Influenza, Theresa M. Edgington
Who owns the knowledge that I share?, Ugonwa Ekweozor and Babis Theodoulidis
E-Government implementation Challenges: A Case study, Ramzi EL-Haddadeh, Vishanth Weerakkody, Shafi H. AL-Shafi, and Maged Ali
Specifying the Software Project Risk Construct, Mazen El-Masri and Suzanne Rivard
Assessing IT-Supported Securities Trading: A Benchmarking Model and Empirical Analysis, Bartholomäus Ende and Jan Muntermann
Comparing the Quality of Latin American e-Health National Websites, Jose Esteves
Privately Waiting – A Usability Analysis of the Tor Anonymity Network, Benjamin Fabian, Florian Goertz, Steffen Kunz, Sebastian Müller, and Mathias Nitzsche
Collective sensemaking in virtual teams, François Fayad
Benchmarking Web-Based Image Retrieval, Ryan Fendley and Phani Kidambi
Publishing IS Research in and about Latin America, Dr Carlos Ferran, Dr. Martha Garcia-Murillo, Dr. Alexandre Graeml, and Dr.Robert Davison
Semantics take the SOA registry to the next level: an empirical study in a telecom company, Catarina Ferreira da Silva, Paulo Rupino da Cunha, Paulo Melo, and Marinos Themistocleos
ICTs and Education in Developing Countries: Do Policies Matter?, Melike Findikoglu and Mauricio Vasquez
Evaluating IT Service Delivery amongst ISPs from Nicaragua, Johnny Flores, Lazar Rusu, and Paul Johanneson
The Quality Measurement of Semantic Standards; the case of the SETU standard for the Dutch eGovernment., Erwin Folmer, Michael van Bekkum, Paul Oude Luttighuis, and Jos van Hillegersberg
Healthcare Web Accessibility: Litigation Avoidance or Strategic Opportunity?, Jonathan Frank, Lydia Segal, and Miriam Weismann
Critical Success Conditions for Enterprise Systems Change Projects, Odd Fredriksson and Lennart Ljung
Expert Relativity: Identify the Expert Just Ahead, Ronald D. Freeze, Peggy L. Lane, and Sharath Sasidharan
Implementing Cross-Organizational Business Processes with Enterprise Mashups: Hype or Reality?, Andrea Fuchsloch and Volker Hoyer
Analyzing Enterprise Systems Delivery Modes for Small and Medium Enterprises, Sarah Fuller and Tim McLaren
Classification of Metadata Categories in Data Warehousing - A Generic Approach, Roland Gabriel, Tobias Hoppe, and Alexander Pastwa
Evaluation of Frame- and Feature-based Software Product Line Tools from the Viewpoint of Mass Customization by End Users, Gaurav Gahalaut and Timo Käkölä
The Fair Factories Clearinghouse: Sourcing Ethics Improved Through Information Systems, John Gallaugher
Conflict, Conflict Management and Performance in Virtual Teams, Julia Gallenkamp, M. Audrey Korsgaard, Arnold Picot, Isabell M. Welpe, and Rolf T. Wigand
Analyzing Frequent Collaborators in the IS Field: What Can We Learn about IS Coauthorship in General?, Mike Gallivan
Basic Principles of Financial Process Mining A Journey through Financial Data in Accounting Information Systems, Nick Gehrke
Challenges of Teaching Information Quality: Demonstrating an Adaptation of a Popular Management Game in Teaching Information Quality, Mouzhi Ge and Markus Helfert
Service Dominant Logic and Business Process Blueprinting: Enhancing the View on Performance by Integrating the Customer Perspective, Martin Gersch, Bernd Schöler, and Michael Hewing
Framework to address Organizational Gaps and Build Knowledge Management Capabilities in Offshore KPO, Biswadip Ghosh, Ph.D.
The influence of human factors on vulnerability to information security breaches, Antonio Carlos G. Maçada and Edimara M. Luciano
Clinicians’ Emotions and TeleStroke Use, Janis L. Gogan
A Pervasive Technology Solution for Diabetes Using Gestational Diabetes as a Model, Steve Goldberg, Indrit Troshani, Sally Rao Hill, William Hague, and Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Addressing Information Sharing Challenges of Cross-Organizational and Multinational Teams in Times of Crisis, Elizabeth Gomez
Utilizando el Modelo de Calidad de McCall y el Estándar ISO-9126 para la Evaluación de la Calidad de Sistemas de Información por los Usuarios, Juan Manuel Gómez Reynoso, Estela Lizbeth Muñoz Andrade, and Jorge Eduardo Macías Díaz
Public Access Computing in Latin America: taking stock of an international study, Ricardo Gomez Ph.D.
Implementing a Human Resources Competency-Based Model: An Actor Network-Perspective, Gibran Rivera Gonzalez and Andrew M. Cox
A Cross-National Comparison E-government Success Measures: A Theory-Based Empirical Research, Pilar Gonzalez, B. Adenso-Diaz, and Leopoldo A. Gemoets
Investigating Capabilities Associated with ICT Access and Use in Latino Micro-enterprises, Travis Godwin Good, Luis Flores Morales, and Sajda Qureshi
Information Technology Adoption in Latin American Microenterprises, Travis Good, Mehruz Kamal, Sajda Qureshi, and Nancy Jimenez
Information Needs in Developing Countries: How Are They Being Served by Public Access Venues?, Elizabeth A. Gould, Ricardo Gomez Ph.D., and Kemly Camacho
The perceptions of Brazilian IS researchers about scientific journals, academic reviewing and ethical issues concerning publication, Alexandre Reis Graeml, Fábio Vizeu, and Marie Anne Macadar
Rigorous Selection of Input Artifacts in Design Science Research – TAVIAS, André Gräning, Roy Wendler, Christian Leyh, and Susanne Strahringer
Collaboration and end-user information management tools, Mark Gregory
Iterative Development of Professional Knowledge Intensive Business Processes, Norbert Gronau, Priscilla Heinze, and Julian Bahrs
IT Governance Implementation – Case of a Brazilian Bank, Vilmar Grüttner, Fernando Pinheiro, and Anderson Itaborahy
Tutorial on Latent Growth Models for Longitudinal Data Analysis, Bin Gu and Paul A. Pavlou
Net Neutrality and its implications, Hong Guo and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay
Information Security Practices in Latin America: The case of Bolivia, Indira R. Guzman, Santos M. Galvez, Jeffrey M. Stanton, and Kathryn R. Stam
Healthcare: Entering the Green Energy Debate, Gary Hackbarth and Michael B. Pate
Risks and Hidden Costs: A Study of 26 Outsourced Projects, Maliha Haddad
In search of Insights from Community of Practice and Use of Telemedicine in Low income Countries: The case of Ethiopia, Getachew Hailemariam, Solomon Negash, and Philip F. Musa
State of the art: Managing costs and performance of Information Technology, Florian Hamel, Thomas Ph. Herz, Falk Uebernickel, and Walter Brenner
The Emergence of a Multi-Organizational View on Business Processes – Experiences from a Double-loop Action Research Approach, Sandra Haraldson and Mikael Lind
Satisfaction with Social Networking Sites: Effect of Playfulness and Change in Use, Gina Harden
Predicting Students Progression Using Existing University Datasets: A Random Forest Application, Julie Hardman, Alberto Paucar-Caceres, Cathy Urquhart, and Alan Fielding
Information System Ethical Attitudes: A Cultural Comparison of the United States, Spain, and Portugal, Albert L. Harris, Dave Yates, Jacqueline M. Harris, and Rui Quaresma
Panel Discussion Proposal Faculty Exchanges as a Way to Increase Globalization in the IS Curriculum, Al Harris, Geoff Dick, and Mary Granger
Panel Discussion Proposal Study Abroad as an Education Experience: Challenges, Realizations, and Lessons Learned, Al Harris, Karen Loch, Meg Murray, and France Belanger