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Welcome from the Program Chairs
Over the years, AMCIS has been evolving into a major international conference even as it retains its regional feel. Over half of all authors on the papers to be presented in Lima this summer are from outside the Americas region. In total, 45 different nationalities are represented in the presentations. Roughly 48% of the authors on accepted papers come from the Americas region; 12% from the Australasia region and 40% from the European region. We thank all of you for traveling in many cases quite long distances with indirect, multiple-stop routes to attend AMCIS2010!
For more information about the program and paper acceptance rates, please click here

Dorothy Leidner
Baylor University

Joyce Elam
Florida International University
Submissions from 2010
Atendimento das Necessidades do Setor da Produção pelo ERP, André Luiz Pestana de Oliveira and Marco Antônio Pinheiro da Silveira
Globalization in Marketing: An Empirical Analysis of Business Adoption and Use of Social Network Sites, ABBY PETERS and DALILA SALAZAR
A Theory-Based Approach for a Modular System of Interactive Decision Aids, Jella Pfeiffer, Felix Vogel, Sven Stumpf, and Charlotte Kiltz
B2B Electronic Marketplaces in Supply Chain Management: Analyzing Recent Research Activities, Christoph Pflügler and Klaus Turowski
Identifying Early Warning Signs of Failures in Offshore Software Development Projects – A Delphi survey, Tom Philip, Gerhard Schwabe, and Erik Wende
Technology for Rural Telecenters In India: A Model and Exploratory Study of Diffusion of Information For Telecenter Use and Sustainability, James B. Pick and Kamala Gollakota
A Reference Model Catalog of Models for Business Process Analysis, Tim Pidun
Web Standards in the IS Curriculum, Craig A. Piercy
Teaching Project Management Skills: An Example of Collaboration between a University and the Local PMI Chapter, Robin Poston
Antecedents of Sustainable Management Support for ITRelated Initiatives, Acklesh Prasad, Jon Heales, and Peter Green
Coping with Nuisances on the Web, Nathan R. Prestopnik and Ping Zhang
Persuading Physical Activity Engagement with a Behavior Modification Sensor System, Alan Price
The Organizational Culture’s Influence on Risks in IT Projects – a Structuration Perspective, Michael Prifling
Mitigating the Effects of Partial Resource Failures for Cloud Providers, Tim Püschel and Dirk Neumann
Enterprise Systems in Universities: A Teaching Case, Ahmad A. Rabaa’i, Wasana Bandara, and Guy G. Gable
MIS2.0: Designing the Next Generation MIS Course Using Social Networking Technology, Peter Ractham, Laddawan Kaewkitipong, and Daniel Firpo
Awaiting Explanation in the Field of Enterprise Architecture Management, Frank Radeke
The Adoption of Web 2.0 in Corporations: A Process Perspective, Philip Raeth, Nils Urbach, Stefan Smolnik, Brian S. Butler, and Philipp Königs
Implementation Success of Clinician Information Systems in Healthcare Contexts, Vijay Raghavan, Xiaoni Zhang, and Anand Jeyaraj
Exploring perception of IT skills among Australian accountants: An alignment between importance and knowledge, Pranish Rai, Savanid Vatanasakdakul, and Chadi Aoun
Information Systems Evolution: A Process Model for Integrating New Services, Jolita Ralyté, Nicolas Arni-Bloch, and Michel Léonard
Privacy and Security Practices in the Arena of Cloud Computing - A Research in Progress, Srilakshmi Ramireddy, Rajarshi Chakraborthy, T.S. Raghu, and H. Raghav Rao
Explorando la Influencia del Género en la Percepción y Adopción de e-Learning en Alumnos de Educación Superior en Chile, Patricio E. Ramírez-Correa, F. Javier Rondán-Cataluña, and Jorge Arenas-Gaitán
Business Process Maturity’s Effect on Performance, Robyn L. Raschke and Laura R. Ingraham
Information Systems Maintenance: A key driver of Business Process Innovation, Ammar Rashid, William Y. C. Wang, and Felix B. Tan
Cultural Differences in Implementing Business Process Management Systems, Pascal Ravesteyn and Ronald Batenburg
Collaborative Business Process Modeling Using 3D Virtual Environments, Jan Recker and Stephen West
Lecture Recording in a Blended Learning Arrangement for Teaching Enterprise Resource Planning Systems - Framework, Prototypical Implementation and Evaluation, Martina Reichel, Nadine Blinn, and Markus Nuettgens
IT Support for Intra-Organizational Innovation Networks – An Exploratory Study, Michael Reinhardt, Martin Wiener, and Michael Amberg
Organizing to achieve e-Government maturity – A case study in a Danish local Government, Anja Reinwald
Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches in Cross-cultural Research, Sebastian Reiter, Glenn Stewart, and Christine Bruce
Ethical Dimensions of the Information Society, Cheul Rhee, H. Raghav Rao, Khaled Al-Raimi, and Junghoon Moon
Attracting High School Minority Students to Information Systems: The Technology Awareness Program, Cindy Riemenschneider and Susan Bristow
Enterprise Microblogging: Procrastination or productive use?, Kai Riemer, Alexander Richter, and Philip Seltsikas
A structural model of information system quality: an empirical research, Nuria Rodríguez and Josep Casanovas
Challenges in Knowledge Management, Max Erik Rohde and David Sundaram
A structuration approach to online communities of practice, Howard Rosenbaum and Pnina Shachaf
Making a Case for Scenario-Based Learning in IS and Executive Education, Howard Rosenbaum and Michael Shermis
How Secure is Your System? Examining the Influence of Technical, Managerial, and Educational Controls on Users’ Secure Behavior, Gray Ross and Jeffrey Jenkins
Agent-based Simulation for Evaluation of a Mobile Emergency Management System, Heiko Roßnagel, Jan Zibuschka, and Olaf Junker
Simulation As a Method To Support Complex Organizational Transformations in Healthcare, Diederik Rothengatter, Christiaan Katsma, and Jos van Hillegersberg
Organic Evolution and the Capability Maturity of Business Intelligence, Stephen Russell, Maliha Haddad, Margherita Bruni, and Mary Granger
Mining Perioperative Data for Business Process Analysis and Redesign: A Case Study Perspective, Jim Ryan, Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily, and Carmen Lewis
Hybrid Approach for the Maintenance of Materialized Webviews, Houssem Saadi, Ali Ben Ammar, and Abdelaziz Abdellatif
Adapted Loss Database – A New Approach to Assess IT Risk in Automated Business Processes, Stefan Sackmann and Arnt Syring
Scalable and Comprehensive Health Information System Solutions for Low Resource Settings, Johan Ivar Sæbø, Jorn Braa, Andrew Kanter, Chris Seebregts, Neal Lesh, Bob Jolliffe, Edem Kossi, and Dykki Settle
Examining the Value of Collaboration Systems in Collocated Teams: A Longitudinal Analysis, Khawaja A. Saeed
Organizational Adoption of Web 2.0 Technologies: An Empirical Analysis, Terence J. Saldanha and M. S. Krishnan
Sharing behavior in emergencies: An instantiation of a utility-focused prototype of a secure mobile near-real-time content device in pre-hospital and hospital settings, Olusola Samuel-Ojo M.S., Ben Schooley Ph.D., Brian Hilton Ph.D., and Tom Horan Ph.D.
Detección de Caos en Series Temporales de Contaminación Modelaje y Pronóstico Mediante Redes Neuronales Artificiales, Gimmy Nardó Sanjines Tudela
Valoración de Bienes Ambientales Una Propuesta Teórica desde la Óptica de la Lógica Difusa, Gimmy Nardó Sanjinés Tudela
A Study of Emerging Multi-cultural and Multi-national Issues in Enterprise System Adoption Processes, Møyfrid Kårstad Sannarnes
Information Technology Training for a Globalized Workforce – Challenges, Tools and Research Directions, Radhika Santhanam, Deborah Compeau, Mun Yi, and Guillermo Rodriguez Abitia
An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Information Quality and Individual Impact in Organizations, Gilson Ditzel Santos, Hiroo Takaoka, and Cesar Alexandre de Souza
IT capability, innovation capability, and long-term performance: A research approach, André Schäfferling and Heinz-Theo Wagner
The Impact of Information Technology on European Post-Trading, Torsten Schaper and Michael Chlistalla
Metaphysics of Change and Identity, Stefan Schellhammer
Organizational Identity as Perspective – Investigating the IT-artifact, Stefan Schellhammer
Who Says Professionals Are Ethical? A Cross-sectional Analysis of Ethical Decision Making, Attitudes and Action, Richard A.M. Schilhavy and Ruth C. King
Management of Service Innovation Projects: A Case Study from a German Financial Services Provider, Bernhard Schindlholzer, Falk Uebernickel, and Walter Brenner
Co-existence of RFID and Barcode in Automotive Logistics, Malte Schmidt, Lars Thoroe, and Matthias Schumann
Predictors of Green IT Adoption: Implications from an Empirical Investigation, Nils-Holger Schmidt, Koray Erek, Lutz M. Kolbe, and Rüdiger Zarnekow
‘Checking-In’ – Exploring the Usage of Location-Based Social Networks, Valentin Schöndienst, Linh Dang-Xuan, and Oliver Guenther
Integration process factors and effects, J. P. Schonewille
Improving IT Enabled Continuity of Care Across Pre- Hospital and Hospital Settings, Benjamin Schooley Ph.D., Rondalynne McClintock M.Ed., Yoonmi Lee, Sue Feldman R.N., and Brian Hilton Ph.D.
Between Cost Efficiency and Limited Innovation – A Scientometric Study of Business Process Standardization, Bettina Schreiber, Andreas Eckhardt, and Sven Laumer
Structuring the structure in outsourcing research A social network perspective on outsourcing relationship management, Anna Schroiff, Daniel Beimborn, and Tim Weitzel
IT Shared Service Center and External Market Activities, Veit Schulz, Thomas Ph. Herz, Marcus A. Rothenberger, and Walter Brenner
OpenID as an Approach for User-centric Identity Management, Matthias Schumann and Stefan Bitzer
Exploring the Role of Individual Differences in ITEnabled Performance, Andrew Schwarz, Jim Van Scotter, Ed Watson, and Colleen Schwarz
Business Process Management – A Missing Link in Business Education, Ravi Seethamraju
Enablers and Barriers to the Organizational Adoption of Sustainable Business Practices, Stefan Seidel, Jan Recker, Christoph Pimmer, and Jan vom Brocke
The Success of Student Information Management System: The Case of Higher Education Institution in Ethiopia, Getahun Semeon, Solomon Negash, and Philip Musa
Role of Information Systems in Organizational Agility: The case of eClasSkeduler at Universidad de Chile, DongBack Seo, Jaime Miranda, and Ariel La Paz
Practical Relevance of Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Scholarly Research: Books as Knowledge Translation Agents, Alexander Serenko, Nick Bontis, and Emily Hull
Investigating Factors Affecting Integration Technologies Adoption in Organizations, Azael Erly Serrano, Hsin Chen, and Alan Serrano
Implementing an e-business model for a dot-com SME: Lessons Learned, Azael Erly Serrano, Alan Serrano, and Mutaz Al-Debei
Answer Reliability on Q&A Sites, Pnina Shachaf
Strategies for Leveraging IT-enabled Service Innovation in Intensively Competitive Market, Shari S. C. Shang and Chien Chun Chen
The Management of Web 2.0 Services Development Life Cycle, Shari Shang, Ya-Ling Wu, Oliver Hou, and Chun-Cheng Lin
Core Asset Repository Methodology (CARM) for Software Reuse, Yael Shemesh, Esther Glasser, and Meira Levy
Enhancing Software Architecture Review Process via Knowledge Management, Sofia Sherman, Irit Hadar, and Meira Levy
The Importance of Technical Capabilities in E-Governance: Development and Validation of a Framework, R. H. Shroff, M. Ho, and P. Banerjee
Simulator training for enhancing surgical skills learning, Minna Silvennoinen
The Relationship between Organizational Culture and the Alignment of Business and IT, Gilbert Silvius, Jakobus Smit, and Heidy Driessen
Antecedents of Organizational Competency Development, Bernd Simon and Horst Treiblmaier
Organisational Use of Web 2.0 Technologies: An Australian Perspective, Mohini Singh, Claire Davison, and Nilmini Wickramasinghe
E-Government Website Awareness and Visitation Among the Techno-Disadvantaged, Janice C. Sipior, Burke T. Ward, and Regina Connolly
Collaborative and Open Technologies and their Impact on Information Systems Instruction, Bas Smit, Indira R. Guzman, Diane Lending, Jerry Kane, and Tim Olsen
Wikipedia as an Academic Reference: Faculty and Student Viewpoints, Johnny Snyder
Rethinking Critical Success Factors for Enterprise System Adoption: The Case of a Transition Economy, Piotr Soja
Towards a Human Processual Approach of Business-IT Alignment, Sam Solaimani
Validating IS Success Factors: An Empirical Study on Webbased State or Local E-government Systems, Changsoo Song
The Role of an Effective IT Intervention for Micro-enterprises, Changsoo Song and Sajda Qureshi
Prediction of RFID Performance in Supply Chains, Chin Boo Soon and Jairo A. Gutiérrez
Incentive and Control Mechanisms for Mitigating Relational Risk in IT Outsourcing Relationships, Florian Spiegel and Miroslav Lazic
Examining Utilitarian and Hedonic Factors and their Moderators for Virtual World Collaborations, Shirish C. Srivastava and Shalini Chandra