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Welcome from the Program Chairs
Over the years, AMCIS has been evolving into a major international conference even as it retains its regional feel. Over half of all authors on the papers to be presented in Lima this summer are from outside the Americas region. In total, 45 different nationalities are represented in the presentations. Roughly 48% of the authors on accepted papers come from the Americas region; 12% from the Australasia region and 40% from the European region. We thank all of you for traveling in many cases quite long distances with indirect, multiple-stop routes to attend AMCIS2010!
For more information about the program and paper acceptance rates, please click here

Dorothy Leidner
Baylor University

Joyce Elam
Florida International University
Submissions from 2010
Information Seeking in Organisations: A Comparative Survey of Intranet Usage, Dick Stenmark
Design Implications for Personal Information Management: A Theoretical Evaluation of a Prototype Interface, Dick Stenmark, Klas Espenkrona, and Mattias Svensson
Service Identification through Value Chain Analysis and Prioritization, Glenn Stewart
Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds – A Case Study for Entrepreneurial Training, Stefan Stieglitz, Christoph Lattemann, and Miriam Kallischnigg
Green Business and Online Price Premiums: Will Consumers Pay More to Purchase from Environmentally Friendly Technology Companies?, Robert D. St. Louis and Joseph A. Cazier
A Method to Assess Value of Integrated Operations, Darijus Strasunskas and Asgeir Tomasgard
Predicting Patterns of Information Systems Alignment in Entrepreneurial Organizations, Chris T. Street, R. Brent Gallupe, and Blaize Horner Reich
Enterprise systems ecosystem: A case study based comparison of software companies, Eldar Sultanow, Carsten Brockmann, and Norbert Gronau
mediEPCs–A Model to Abstract Complex and Dynamic Processes in Healthcare Environments, Ali Sunyaev, Markus Ortmann, Jan Marco Leimeister, and Helmut Krcmar
An Approach for Trust and IS Engagement in Professional-Orientated Work, Ann Svensson
Evaluating Scholarly Influence Through Social Network Analysis: the Next Step in Evaluating Scholarly Influence, Hirotoshi Takeda, Duane P. Truex III, and Michael J. Cuellar
Making Sense of IT in Organisations: The Repertory Grid Technique in Information Systems Research, Dr.Felix B. Tan
Changes in User Attitudes and User Expectation: A Longitudinal Study of a Thai State Owned Enterprise, Uthai Tanlamai
Developing an Information Infrastructure for International Trade, Yao-Hua Tan, Niels Bjørn-Andersen, and Stefan Henningsson
A Theoretical Approach to Netsourcing Research, Dr. Sofiane Tebboune
The Impacts of Organizational Learning and Innovation on Enterprise Systems Benefits of Australian Organizations, Leon Kok Yang TEO, Mohini Singh, and Vanessa COOPER
A SYSTEMS VIEW OF SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT VOLATILITY, Rahul Thakurta, Rahul Roy, and Subir Bhattacharya
Old Wine in New Bottles: Investigating how Information Technology is Enabling “Old Criminals” to access “New Venues”, Jason Thatcher, Terry Leap, and Ryan Wright
Laboratory experiments as evaluating method for IT artifacts – Experimental design and use case within a Product-Service-System, Oliver Thomas, Thorsten Dollmann, Michael Schlicker, and Nadine Blinn
Utilizing End-user Requirements to Inform the Knowledge Supply Strategies of IT Project Teams, Mark Thorogood and Gurvirender Tejay
Unanticipated influence of coordination mechanisms on physician workstyles and ED operational efficiency, David A. Tilson, Vera Tilson, Vicken Y. Totten, and Edward A. Michelson
Fad-like Technology Adoption as a Social Action, Arthur P. Tomasino
Assessing the Impact of Organizational Internet and Email Monitoring Policy on Australian Employees, Christine Van Toorn and Annie Yue Shu
Future of Master’s Level Education in Information Systems Panel Presentation, Heikki Topi, Ryan T. Wright, Brian Donnellan, William T. Schiano, Joseph S. Valacich, and Ramesh Venkataraman
Knowledge Transfer Challenges for Universities and SMEs in the USA, Eileen M. Trauth
Millennials and Masculinity: A Shifting Tide of Gender Typing of ICT?, Eileen M. Trauth, K. D. Joshi, Lynette Kvasny, Jing Chong, Sadan Kulturel, and Jan Mahar
Using Log-Linear Models to Analyze the Use of Hedonic Information Technologies on Corporate Websites, Horst Treiblmaier and Andreas Pinterits
The Gateways of Information on the Cloud Era, Raúl A. Trejo
Generic Management Challenges of Adopting IT-Shared Services, Frank Ulbrich, Veit Schulz, and Walter Brenner
Service Level Management – Challenges and their Relevance from the Customers’ Point of View, Philipp Unterharnscheidt and Axel Kieninger
Industry-Specificity of Employee Portal Success: A Multi-Group Comparison, Nils Urbach, Stefan Smolnik, and Gerold Riempp
Peer-to-Peer Service Quality and Its Consequences in Virtual Communities, Aku Valtakoski, Juhana Peltonen, and Mikko O.J. Laine
An Integrative Framework of the Factors Affecting Process Model Understanding: A Learning Perspective, Sander G. van de Wouw and Hajo A. Reijers
A unified strategic business and IT alignment model: A study in the public universities of Nicaragua, Norman Vargas, Paul Johannesson, and Lazar Rusu
Ubiquitous, Mobile, Pervasive and Wireless Information Systems: Current Research and Future Directions, Upkar Varshney, Hyung Lee, and Punit Ahluwalia
Adoção de Software Livre em Universidades Brasileiras, Edmir Parada Vasques Prado and Fulvio Cristofoli
Critical Realism, Multidisciplinarity and Methodological Pluralism: A Systemic Approach to Guide Information Systems Research and Practice, Arturo Vega, Mike Chiasson, and David Brown
Common Data Exchange Standards: Determinants for Adoption at the Municipal Level, Daniel Veit and Nils Parasie
Teaching with Free Software, Open Formats, and Collaborative Culture: Trials and Tribulations, Sameer Verma
Profiling Supply Chain Integration: Differences in Practices, Relationships and Performance between Integration Stages, Leo R. Vijayasarathy
A Process-Oriented Tool Development in the Open Innovation Paradigm, Gergana Vladova and Elisabeth Mueller
m-Government in China: Observations and Reflections, Doug Vogel, Zhenjiao Chen, Qingqing Bi, Ziyu Yan, and Jin Hong
Influence of brokering in Data Warehouse projects, Helena Vranesic
Who is Doing What: The Impact of Task and Role Documentation on Outsourcing Service Quality, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Daniel Beimborn, and Frank Schlosser
Making Sense of IT Vendor and Client Relationships: a Technological Frames Perspective, David Wainwright and Laurence Brooks
The Impact of Business/IT Social Network Structures on IT Service Quality, Katja Walentowitz, Daniel Beimborn, and Tim Weitzel
Tapping the Educational Potential of Facebook: Leveraging Social Capital and Knowledge, Rex Wang, Cathy Urquhart, Philip Scown, and Julie Hardman
Teaching Business Intelligent with an Executive Dashboard, Te-Wei Wang and Chih-Chen Lee
Design Science Research: Paradigm or Approach?, Sven Weber
Toward a User Commitment Continuum, John Week, Alexander McLeod, Mark G. Simkin, and Bret Simmons
Antecedents and Consequence of Internet-enabled Supply Chain Integration: An Exploratory, Kwok Kee Wei and Weiling Ke
Market Reactions to Investments in Information Technology: Insight from Warsaw Stock Exchange, Heinz Roland Weistroffer, Narcyz Roztocki, and Dorota Dobija
Information Modeling: The Need of Semi-Automatic Model Analysis and Transformation, Jens Weller, Martin Juhrisch, and Knut Großmann
Taming the Social Network Jungle: From Web 2.0 to Social Media, Rolf T. Wigand, Jerry D. Wood, and Dinah M. Mande
Analyzing law-making from a business process view: The paradox of law-making, Remco van Wijk, Welmoed Fokkema, and Stephan Kockelkoren
Strategic Role of Human Resource Management in Information Security Management, Kamphol Wipawayangkool
Incorporating Temporal Structure Components to Electronic Temporal Coordination Systems, Dezhi Wu
An Empirical Study of Multi-dimensional Trust and Eloyalty in E-commerce in China, Lin Xiao, Zixiu Guo, and John D’Ambra
Knowledge Management Task Complexity In Emergency Management: An Instrument, Weidong Xia, Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Jose Rocha, and Arvind Gudi
Information Disclosure and Online Social Networks: From the Case of Facebook News Feed Controversy to a Theoretical Understanding, Heng Xu, Rachida Parks, Chao-Hsien Chu, and Xiaolong (Luke) Zhang
Considering Visual Artifacts in IT Cultures, Elaine K. Yakura
Examining Virtual Tourism Community in China, Xueyan Yang, Xiaoni Zhang, and Ben Martz
Forming Within-site Topical Information Space to Facilitate Online Free-Choice Learning, Ping Yan and Zhu Zhang
Power of Information Channels: Participation in e-Government Discourse, Yurong Yao, Yang W. Lee, Peijun Hong, and Zhen Weng
Re-examining the Information Systems Security Problem from a Systems Theory Perspective, Diana K. Young, Wm. Arthur Conklin, and Glenn Dietrich
Explaining Perceived Turnover in Open Source Software Projects based on Hygiene Factors, Yiqing Yu, Alexander Benlian, and Thomas Hess
Measuring Flow Experience of Computer Game Players, Jose Zagal, Susy S. Chan, and Jingli Zhang
Using Text Mining to Analyze Quality Aspects of Unstructured Data: A Case Study for “stock-touting” Spam Emails, Mohamed Zaki, David Diaz, and Babis Theodoulidis
Enterprise Systems Adoption and Firm Performance in Europe: The Role of Innovation, Fardad Zand
Projects as Social Movements, Gerardo Zendejas
An Investigation of the Effects of Website Aesthetics and Usability on Online Shoppers’ Purchase Intention, Dong Zhang, Lingyun Qiu, Ben Choi, and Zhenhui Jiang
Using Blogs to Support Constructivist and Social Learning – a Case Study in a University Setting, Xuesong (Sonya) Zhang and Lorne Olfman
Building Social Capital in Online Communities: a Perspective of Information and System Quality, YiMing Zheng, Kexin Zhao, and Antonis Stylianou
Understanding Awareness Diffusion in Microblogging, Bin Zhu and Michael Chau
Quality of XBRL US GAAP Taxonomy: Empirical Evaluation using SEC Filings, Hongwei Zhu and Harris Wu
Evaluation of the Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering Method KAOS, Frank Zickert
RFID in the Cloud: A Service for High-Speed Data Access in Distributed Value Chains, Holger Ziekow, Benjamin Fabian, Cristian Müller, and Oliver Günther
An Inductive Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Attitudes toward a Virtual World Learning Environment, Ilze Zigurs and Chi Zhang
Submissions from 2009
Conducting Multi-Level Research in Information Systems, France Belanger
Theory construction: Finding your contribution, Martha Garcia-Murillo