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Welcome from the Program Chairs
Over the years, AMCIS has been evolving into a major international conference even as it retains its regional feel. Over half of all authors on the papers to be presented in Lima this summer are from outside the Americas region. In total, 45 different nationalities are represented in the presentations. Roughly 48% of the authors on accepted papers come from the Americas region; 12% from the Australasia region and 40% from the European region. We thank all of you for traveling in many cases quite long distances with indirect, multiple-stop routes to attend AMCIS2010!
For more information about the program and paper acceptance rates, please click here

Dorothy Leidner
Baylor University

Joyce Elam
Florida International University
Submissions from 2010
Quantum leap in IT productivity in an Emerging Economy- The Sony India Case, Aldon Hartley, Tiru Arthanari, and David Sundaram
Was the Copenhagen Summit doomed from the start? Some insights from Green IS research, Helen Hasan
Working In the New Way: A Preliminary Study of Media Synchronicity and Job Satisfaction, Martin Hassell and Moez Limayem
The Dilemma Of Addressing SAP Skills Shortages In Developing Countries., Paul Hawking
E Business in Developing Countries (including Middle East): Information Systems Strategic Thinking, Prof. John D. Haynes and Dr. S Arockiasamy
Decision Support Variables for Reverse Logistics, Benjamin Hazen, R. Kelly Rainer Jr., and Dianne Hall
Methods to Measure Importance of Data Attributes to Consumers of Information Products, Christopher Heien, Ningning Wu, and John Talburt
Knowledge Centers in Professional Services Firms: Design and Empirical Evidence, Michael Hertlein, Stefan Smolnik, and Gerold Riempp
Deriving a Research Agenda for the Management of Multisourcing Relationships Based on a Literature Review, Thomas Ph. Herz, Florian Hamel, Falk Uebernickel, and Walter Brenner
Motivational Drivers to Develop Apps for Social Software-Platforms: The Example of Facebook, Daniel Hilkert, Alexander Benlian, and Thomas Hess
Product Uncertainty in Online Marketplaces in China: An Econometric Model, Yili Hong
Building Community Sustainability with Geographic Information Systems, Dirk S. Hovorka and Nancy A. Auerbach
The Impact of Individual Centrality and Helping on Knowledge Sharing: A Study of Fit, Zhi Wei HO, Klarissa Ting-Ting CHANG, and Atreyi KANKANHALLI
Cultural Dimensions as Moderators of the UTAUT Model: a Research Proposal in a Healthcare Context, Kuang-Yuan Huang, Namjoo Choi, and Indushobha Chengalur-Smith
Web 2.0 Use and Organizational Innovation: A Knowledge Transfer Enabling Perspective, Kuang-Yuan Huang, Namjoo Choi, and Lenore Horowitz
Resolving Tensions in Hub-and-Spoke Networks of the Enterprise Application Software Industry – An Exploratory Case Study, Thomas Huber, Thomas Kude, and Jens Dibbern
Approaching the value of Privacy: Review of theoretical privacy concepts and aspects of privacy management, Ulrike Hugl
An Empirical Investigation of Normative, Affective, and Gender Influence on E-Commerce Systems Adoption, Yujong Hwang
Green/Sustainable IT/IS: Concepts and Cases, Laura B. Iacobelli, Robert A. Olson, and Jeffrey W. Merhout
The Extended Advertising Network Model, Efosa C. Idemudia MBA, Ph.D.
A lightweight, industrially-validated instrument to measure user satisfaction and service quality experienced by the users of a UML modeling tool, A.K.M. Najmul Islam, Mervi Koivulahti-Ojala, and Timo Käkölä
Human Interaction with Structure in the Computing Environment, Tiko Iyamu Ph.D.
A Cultural Theory Analysis of Information Systems Adoption, Stephen Jackson
Healthcare Information Technology Issues: Hospital CEO and CIO Perspectives, Tim Jacks, Hamid Nemati, and Prashant Palvia
Completing the Loop: IS Program Improvement through Outcomes Assessment, Carolyn Jacobson, Paul Leidig, George M. Kasper, and Richard G. Mathieu
Assessment Benchmarking: Understanding and Using Assessment Results, Carolyn Jacobson, Richard G. Mathieu, Herbert E. Longenecker Jr., George M. Kasper, Lynn McKell, and Daniel McFarland
Integration for innovation: Studying the role of middleware in RFID applications, Taline Jadaan and Dick Stenmark
Assessing the Operator’s Performance in Organizational Information Systems: Context of Call Center IS Management, Yun Jae-woong, Md. Dulal Hossain, Junghoon Moon, and Young Chan Choe
Data Mining with SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development Studio A Hands-on Approach, Musa J. Jafar
Investigation of Governance Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing Initiatives, Radhika Jain
Critical Success Factors for Multi-Channel Service Delivery (MCSD), Marijn Janssen
Can We Rely on Electronic Medical Record Systems to Reduce Medication Errors?, Tina Blegind Jensen
The Effectiveness of Virtual Worlds for Education: An Empirical Study, Rebecca J. Jestice and Surinder Kahai
Reigning in the Remote Employee: Applying Social Learning Theory to Explain Information Security Policy Compliance Attitudes, Allen C. Johnston, Barbara Wech, Eric Jack, and Micah Beavers
Critical Competencies for the Brazilian CIO, Luiz Antonio Joia
Tacit Knowledge Transfer within Organisations, Luiz Antonio Joia and Bernardo Lemos
Call Center Key Performance Indicators and Customer Satisfaction, Luiz Antonio Joia and Alexandre Ferreira Oliveira
Threat of Professional Obsolescence and Mobility Intentions: The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies, Damien Joseph and Soon Ang
Applying TOGAF to Define and Govern a Service-oriented Architecture in a Large-scale Research Project, Aneta Kabzeva, Michael Niemann, Paul Mueller, and Ralf Steinmetz
Disintermediation in the tourism industry: theory vs. practice, Laddawan Kaewkitipong
A method for business sequential data prediction, Tomasz Kajdanowicz and Przemysław Kazienko
Dynamic Revenue Model Design in the Online Services Business: Two Cases in Japan, Masao Kakihara
Data Mining Using Surface and Deep Agents Based on Neural Networks, Subhash Kak, Yuhua Chen, and Lei Wang
Re-conceptualizing IS Strategic Alignment: the Translated Strategic Alignment Model (TSAM), Michel Kalika and Isabelle Walsh
Investigating the Role of Project Champions in e- Government Integration Initiatives in Local Government Domain, MUHAMMAD KAMAL
Collaborative Learning with Web 2.0 Technology: Synchronicity Dimension, Hwee-Joo Kam and Pairin Katerattanakul
Data warehouse Approach to HMIS Integration, Chipo Kanjo, Edem Kwame Kossi, Christon Moyo, and Jorn Braa
Applying the social construction of technology perspective to ICT users at the ‘bottom of the pyramid’, Stan Karanasios
IT Investment Decision Making: A Decision Analysis Cycle Model, Faezeh Karimi and Danny C. C. Poo
Virtual Team Collaboration: A Review of Literature and Perspectives, Myriam Karoui, Ali Gürkan, and Aurélie Dudezert
The adoption of personalized music services – Combining qualitative and quantitative research –, Christiaan Katsma
A taxonomy of digital music services, Christiaan Katsma and Ton Spil
Shy People and Facebook Continuance of Usage: Does Gender Matter?, Hajer Kefi, Alya Mlaiki, and Michel Kalika
Validating results of human-based electronic services leveraging multiple reviewers, Robert Kern, Cordula Bauer, Hans Thies, and Gerhard Satzger
Transactive Memory Structures and Collaborative Information Technology Role in Turbulent Teams: An Experiment, Tayfun Keskin
Knowledge Sharing in Globally Distributed IT Outsourcing Arrangements, Saima Khan
IT Innovation Budgets in Turbulent Times, Matthias Kiessling, Steffen Wenzel, and Lutz M. Kolbe
Overcoming challenges for managing IT innovations in non-IT companies, Matthias Kießling, Hannes Wilke, and Lutz M. Kolbe
Developing a business model engineering & experimentation tool – the quest for scalable ‘lollapalooza confluence patterns’, Björn Kijl and Durk Boersma
A New Approach for Collaborative Knowledge Management: A Unified Conceptual Model for Collaborative Knowledg Management, Dan J. Kim and T. Andrew Yan
Why Do Folksonomies Need Semantic Web Technologies?, Hak-Lae Kim and Jae-Hwa Choi
Identifying Green IT Leaders with Financial and Environmental Performance Indicators, Yong Seog Kim and Myung Ko
Service Contract Automation, Rico Knapper, Benjamin Blau, Sebastian Speiser, Tobias Conte, and Christof Weinhardt
Social Connectedness on Facebook – An Explorative Study on Status Message Usage, Felix Köbler, Christoph Riedl, Céline Vetter, Jan Marco Leimeister, and Helmut Krcmar
The Credibility Crisis in IS, Hope Koch, Clayton Looney, David Firth, John King, Paul Pavlou, and Eileen M. Trauth
Manufacturing Execution Systems and Business Intelligence for Production Environments, Margarete T. Koch, Henning Baars, Heiner Lasi, and Hans-Georg Kemper
Cloud Services from a Consumer Perspective, Philip Koehler, Arun Anandasivam, and MA Dan
How Relationships Can Be Utilized For Service Bundling, Thomas Kohlborn, Christian Luebeck, Axel Korthaus, Erwin Fielt, Michael Rosemann, Christoph Riedl, and Helmut Krcmar
A Framework for the Design of Service Maps, Falk Kohlmann, René Börner, and Rainer Alt
Role of Testers in Selecting an Enterprise Architecture Solution: An Exploratory Study, Rashid Koja and Robin Poston
Master Data Compliance: The Case of Sanction Lists, Jochen Kokemüller
The Effects of Perceived Information Quality and Perceived System Quality on Trust and Adoption of Online Reputation Systems, Sherrie Komiak
ITSM and Education, Paul Kontogiorgis
Map to Service-Oriented Business and IT: A Stratified Approach, Janne J. Korhonen, Kari Hiekkanen, and Mikko Heiskala
‘STOP SPAMMING ME!’ - Exploring Information Overload on Facebook, Ksenia Koroleva, Hanna Krasnova, and Oliver Günther
Looking beyond the veil – what makes the micro organisation end-user developers tick?, Henri Korvela and Kristian Packalén
Web 2.0 and business: Early results on perceptions of Web 2.0 and factors influencing its adoption, Parag Kosalge and Olvi Tole
Government Information Technology and Border Security: Comparative Perspectives, Rey Koslowski
Exploring the Role of Control – Smart Meter Acceptance of Residential Consumers, LMU Munich Kranz, Julia Gallenkamp, and Arnold O. Picot
User Acceptance of Multiple Password Systems: A Proposed Study, Christopher Kreider
Harnessing the Link between ICT Domestication and Behaviour Change for Carbon Footprint Reduction in the Home, David Kreps, Vasughi Sundramoorthy, Grahame Cooper, Haifa Takruri-Rizk, and Nigel Linge
The development of a “holistic” model incorporating business strategy formulation with IdM strategy formulation, C.J. (Neels) Kruger and M. N. Mama
Corporatizing Open Source Software Innovation in the Plone Community, George Kuk
Discrete Event Monte-Carlo Simulation Based Decision Support System for Business Process Management, Manish Kumar and Jyoti M. Bhat
RFID’s Impact on Logistic Operations: Towards a Comprehensive Empirical Assessment, Steffen Kunz and Christoph Goebel
Organizational Green IT: It seems the bottom line rules, Ben N. Kuo
Influence of Media Formats on Student Perception and Performance in Web-based Teaching, Karl Kurbel, Ivo E. Stankov, and Rastsislau Datsenka
Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering (CAWE): Leveraging MDA and ADM for the Development of Data Warehouses, Christian Kurze and Peter Gluchowski
Trying to Outrun a Speeding Environment: Developing “High-velocity” Strategic DSS Evaluation Criteria, D. Alan Ladd, Avimanyu Datta, and Suprateek Sarker
Intelligent Agent-Based e-Learning System For Adaptive Learning, Hokyin Lai, Minhong Wang, and Huaiqing Wang
Citation Analysis and Trends in Knowledge Management, Teresa Lang, Dianne Hall, and W. Heath Landrum
IT Outsourcing’s Role in China’s Economic Growth, Gregory D. Larosiliere
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Construct Search and Integration, Kai R. Larsen, Jintae Lee, Jingjing Li, and Chih How Bong
A Survey of Doctoral Programs in IS in the USA and Canada, Stephen Larson
“Caveat Emptor”: Cultural Assumptions in Information Technology Innovation, Carl Lawrence and Fernando Beltran
A Location Aware Service to Minimize Travel Costs Using Dynamic Information, Christopher S. Leberknight
Leveraging Unstructured Data to Facilitate Investigative Searches, Christine Le and Eric Nelson