
This paper draws on a qualitative study informed by Actor-Network Theory (ANT). A socio-technical perspective is presented to describe how humans and non-human actors are attempted to be enrolled during a Human Resources Competency-Based Model (HRCBM) Implementation in a multi-campus University System in Mexico. The Project Implementation (PI) is seen as continuous processes of negotiation with and enrollment of relevant actors during the project trajectory. It includes insights from 17 semi-structured interviews with actors involved in the project. The paper shows how an actor-network was created, expanded and maintained. To strengthen the network stability, different strategies were developed and implemented by the core implementation team. But other issues suggested by ANT contributed to slow down the implementation process: some omissions made by the core team during the problematization stage, the failure to fully enroll relevant actors and the existence of a competing network. This approach can help researchers to better understand how to apply ANT concepts to study socio-technical situations such as a Project Implementation.
