Charting the Waters Ahead: Moby, Dick, and Jane
Dorothy E. Leidner
Toward an Understanding of Gig Work Risks and Worker Agency on Different Digital Labor Platforms
Xuefei (Nancy) Deng and Robert D. Galliers
Unraveling Grievance Formation in Online Movement Research: Insights from the Amnesty International Sex Worker Policy Protest
Lisen Selander and Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa
Inverse Transparency and the Quest for Empowerment through the Design of Digital Workplace Technologies
Maren Gierlich-Joas, Abayomi Baiyere, and Thomas Hess
A Typology and Model of Privacy- and Security-Concerned Users’ Attitudes toward Digital Footprints and the Consequent Influence on Their Social Media Adaptation
Syed Sardar Muhammad, Bidit L. Dey, Hillol Bala, Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi, and Yousra Asaad
Agile Project Management Styles and Control Ambidexterity in Agile Information Systems Development Projects: An Exploratory Case Study
Peter Virag, Edward W. N. Bernroider, and Ulrich Remus
The Role of Dissonant Relational Multiplexity in Information System Implementation Failures: Insights from a Grounded Theory Approach
Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suranjan Chakraborty, H. Kevin Fulk, and Paul Benjamin Lowry
Time to Talk About It: Neurodiversity of Information Systems Users in Leisure Settings
Ofir Turel and Antoine Bechara
Designing Information Systems for Infectious Disease Management in VUCA Situations: Insights from a Design Archaeology Analysis of COVIDSafe
Alem Molla, Leona Chandra Kruse, Stan Karanasios, Christopher Cheong, and Giang Hoang