As part of its mission, JAIS will maintain a digital archive of all published articles.
Green Open Access Policy
JAIS follows the AIS Green Open Access policy, meaning that authors of accepted papers can self-archive their accepted papers without an embargo period in accordance with AIS’s Green Open Access policy. (JAIS articles are available for free to all AIS members.) https://aisnet.org/page/PoliciesGuidelines.
JAIS Data Policies
JAIS promotes careful, systematic, open and efficient use of all types of data sets- quantitative and qualitative- for theory development and validation. It also seeks to promote open and critical data sharing and triangulation across IS scholars and study sites. Therefore it looks favorably to studies which use the same data set to vindicate or falsify a theory or to develop a new one when the use of the same or quite similar data set is justified. JAIS does not accept or support the use of data in ways as outlined in http://misq.org/misq/downloads/download/editorial/15/. To this end authors need to recognize the following policies with regard to use of their data sets while submitting to JAIS:
1) All authors using empirical data sets have to make them available on request for checking by senior editors or reviewers after care has been taken to anonymize the data. In quantitative papers using variance based methods and data sets the authors are requested always as a minimum to provide the co-variance or correlation matrix plus descriptives (scale range, means, SDs, etc.). When authors re-analyze earlier data sets, they also need to demonstrate that their use of these data sets does not increase significantly the likelihood of Type I errors in hypothesis testing. For data derived from qualitative studies authors need to be able to indicate how the data has been obtained and what steps have been taken to verify its accuracy.
In addition, Senior Editors can ask authors to provide a complete dataset during the review for testing and validation of executed statistical analyses. In such cases, authors are expected to provide the dataset as a condition for publishing the article.
2) Authors need to communicate clearly during submission whether the data set has been used before and where. In addition, they need demonstrate either in the submitted article or in a separate note that the use of the same data set is warranted because it:
a) serves alternative theoretical purposes either involving development of new or different theory, measures or constructs, integrating them differently, or falsifying or refining earlier results with other data sets; or
b) it involves an application of a new and innovative methodological approach with clear methodological or theoretical benefits when applied to the same data set.
3) All data sets collected or applied need to meet established criteria for data privacy, confidentiality and recognition of study subjects rights as outlined e.g. in:
4) JAIS and AIS accept no responsibility regarding the accuracy of data provided by authors of papers they publish, nor any liability for consequences related to the publication and/or use of those data.
Code of Research Conduct
All prospective authors must adhere to the AIS Code of Research Conduct in their work. Authors who believe their work has been plagiarized or subjected to other scholarly misconduct are urged to consult Guidelines for a Victim. AIS Council's process for dealing with allegations of scholarly misconduct in the Association's journals and proceedings is detailed in AIS Research Conduct Committee Process Guidelines.
Submission of an article to JAIS implies the authors' certification that the manuscript is not copyrighted and is not currently under review by any other journal or conference proceedings.
Copyright to all articles published by JAIS must be transferred by the authors to AIS prior to publication. Authors will be required to complete and sign a Copyright Release. The Sample of Copyright Release form contains a complete list of rights retained by authors.