About Theory and Theorizing
Dorothy E. Leidner and Robert W. Gregory
Organizational Identity Management Policies
Alexander Rieger, Tamara Roth, Johannes Sedlmeir, Gilbert Fridgen, and Amber Young
“My Name is Alexa. What’s Your Name?” The Impact of Reciprocal Self-Disclosure on Post-Interaction Trust in Conversational Agents
Kambiz Saffarizadeh, Mark Keil, Maheshwar Boodraj, and Tawfiq Alashoor
Digital Institutionalization: The Case of E-Prescribing
Owen Eriksson and Sten-Erik Öhlund
The Contingent Effects of IS Certifications on the Trustworthiness of Websites
Martin Adam, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev, and Alexander Benlian
The Effects of Featuring Product Sampling Reviews on E-Tailer Websites
Xianghua Lu, David Phang, Sulin Ba, and Xinlin Yao
The Impact of Feature Exploitation and Exploration on Mobile Application Evolution and Success
Shadi Shuraida, Qiang Gao, Hani Safadi, and Radhika Jain
Don’t Take It Personally: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Responses to Explicit Targeting
Dimitrios Tsekouras, Ting Li, and Thomas W. Frick
The Role of Online and Geographically Distant Social Networks in Political Decision-Making: Empirical Evidence from the 2016 United States Presidential Election
Ecem Basak, Ali Tafti, and Min-Seok Pang
Mechanisms for Achieving Ambidexterity in the Context of Digital Transformation: Insights from Digital Innovation Labs
Friedrich Holotiuk, Daniel Beimborn, and Axel Hund
Creating Collaboration: How Social Movement Organizations Shape Digital Activism to Promote Broader Social Change
Shahla Ghobadi and Scott Sonenshein