Special Issue: Technology and Social Inclusion (pp. 1199-1357)
Digital Resilience: A Conceptual Framework for Information Systems Research
Yenni Tim and Dorothy E. Leidner
Special Issue Introduction: JAIS Special Issue on Technology and Social Inclusion
Jaime B. Windeler, Cathy Urquhart, Jason Bennett Thatcher, Michelle Carter, and Arlene Bailey
Principles to Facilitate Social Inclusion for Design-Oriented Research
Sofie Wass, Elin Thygesen, and Sandeep Purao
Is it Your Fault? Framing Social Media Inclusion and Exclusion Using Just World Theory
Stacie Petter and Laurie Giddens
The Design of Social Inclusion Interventions: A Paradox Approach
Daniel Curto-Millet and Almudena Cañibano
Surveilled Inclusion and the Pitfalls of Social Fintech Platforms
Érica S. Siqueira, Eduardo H. Diniz, and Marlei Pozzebon
Social Inclusion: The Use of Social Media and the Impact on First-Generation College Students
Ester Gonzalez and Xuefei (Nancy) Deng
Technologies of Power in Digital Inclusion
Priyanka Pandey and Yingqin Zheng
Tragedy, Truth, and Technology: The 3T Theory of Social Media-Driven Misinformation
Nicholas Roberts and Hamed Qahri-Saremi
The Vicious Circles of Skill Erosion: A Case Study of Cognitive Automation
Tapani Rinta-Kahila, Esko Penttinen, Antti Salovaara, Wael Soliman, and Joona Ruissalo
Design Principles for Platform-Enabled Knowledge Commons with an Expository Instantiation
Muralidharan Ramakrishnan, Shirley Gregor, Anup Shrestha, and Jeffrey Soar