Does it Pay to Have CIOs on the Board? Creating Value by Appointing C-Level IT Executives to the Board of Directors
Nikhil Bandodkar and Varun Grover
Examining the Viability of Organization-Sponsored Sharing Platforms
Ulrike Schultze and Anita D. Bhappu
The Mediating Role of Fitness Technology Enablement of Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration on the Relationship between Goals for Fitness Technology Use and Use Outcomes
Tabitha L. James, France Bélanger, and Paul Benjamin Lowry
Penetration or Skimming? Pricing Strategies for Software Platforms Considering Asymmetric Cross-Side Network Effects
Nan Yuan, Haiyang Feng, Minqiang Li, and Nan Feng
An Ontology of Emotion Process to Support Sentiment Analysis
Veda C. Storey and Eun Hee Park
How Do Individuals Understand Multiple Conceptual Modeling Scripts?
Mohammad Jabbari, Jan Recker, Peter Green, and Karl Werder