A Thought-Gear Model of Theorizing from Literature
Dorothy E. Leidner and Olgerta Tona
Taking Time into Account: Understanding Microworkers’ Continued Participation in Microtasks
Ling Jiang, Christian Wagner, and Xingyu Chen
Texting with Humanlike Conversational Agents: Designing for Anthropomorphism
Anna-Maria Seeger, Jella Pfeiffer, and Armin Heinzl
The Chief Information Officer: Impact on Organizational Forecasting Outcomes
Xiaotao (Kelvin) Liu and David S. Preston
An Activity Theory Approach to Leak Detection and Mitigation in Patient Health Information (PHI)
Rohit Valecha, Shambhu Upadhyaya, and H. Raghav Rao
Social Networking Site Use Resumption: A Model of Return Migration
Christian Maier, Sven Laumer, Jason B. Thatcher, Heshan Sun, Christoph Weinert, and Tim Weitzel
Understanding Characteristics of Popular Streamers on Live Streaming Platforms: Evidence from Twitch.tv
Keran Zhao, Yuheng Hu, Yili Hong, and Christopher Westland
Comparing Three Theories of the Gender Gap in Information Technology Careers: The Role of Salience Differences
Kevin Harmon and Eric A. Walden
When IT Evolves Beyond Community Needs: Coevolution of Bottom-Up IT Innovation and Communities
Aljona Zorina and Stan Karanasios
Research Perspectives: Reconsidering the Role of Research Method Guidelines for Interpretive, Mixed Methods, and Design Science Research
Mikko Siponen, Wael Soliman, and Philipp Holtkamp