The rapid expansion of innovative smart technologies is creating exciting new opportunities and causing disruptions in many different sectors, including manufacturing, finance, insurance, and healthcare. Given its broad impacts across a variety of areas, smart technologies currently represent one of the hottest topics in both academia and industry. This special issue seeks to identify the latest trends and research directions on this topic by presenting research on the development, evaluation, management, and organization of smart technologies in the age of smart services. We identify three trending categories of smart services: (1) the Internet of Things and wearable technologies, (2) the sharing economy and platforms, and (3) intelligent agents. These innovative technologies and their corresponding production possibilities are of great interest to both researchers and practitioners, particularly in terms of their impacts under different application scenarios. This special issue offers a comprehensive review of IT-enabled smart services and we hope that it motivates further IS research on the theoretical and practical implications of this topic.
Recommended Citation
Yang, Yu-Chen; Ying, Hao; Jin, Yong; Cheng, Hsing Kenneth; and Liang, Ting-Peng
"Special Issue Editorial: Information Systems Research in the Age of Smart Services,"
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(3), .
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00673
Available at:
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