We propose pluralist theory building as a methodology that leverages the power of multiperspective inquiry to develop new theory from data. The paper presents the rationale for the methodology, its combination of generalization and pluralism, and the process involved in its application. When researchers use pluralist theory building, they move between description and theory and between single and multiple perspectives through four iterative steps with specific deliverables: create perspective accounts, synthesize multiperspective account, create theory fragments, and synthesize pluralist theory. Drawing on a study that served as experiential background for developing the methodology, we offer insights into the challenges involved in using the methodology and the activities in which researchers may engage to address these challenges. In conclusion, we argue that pluralist theory building offers a novel and practically useful approach to empirically based theorizing that leverages Mingers’s pragmatic approach to pluralism (2001) and extends Lee and Baskerville’s (2003) generalization framework into a detailed iterative process with steps, deliverables, challenges, and activities.
Recommended Citation
Müller, Sune Dueholm; Mathiassen, Lars; and Saunders, Carol
"Pluralist Theory Building: A Methodology for Generalizing from Data to Theory,"
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(1), .
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00591
Available at:
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