An Analysis of the Evolving Intellectual Structure of Health Information Systems Research in the Information Systems Discipline
Langtao Chen, Aaron Baird, and Detmar W. Straub
Brute - Force Sentence Pattern Extortion from Harmful Messages for Cyberbullying Detection
Michal Ptaszynski, Pawel Lempa, Fumito Masui, Yasutomo Kimura, Rafal Rzepka, Kenji Araki, Michal Wroczynski, and Gniewosz Leliwa
Scientific Knowledge Communication in Online Q&A Communities: Linguistic Devices as a Tool to Increase the Popularity and Perceived Professionalism of Knowledge Contribution
Yicheng Zhang, Tian Lu, Chee Wei Phang, and Chenghong Zhang
Harnessing Aspect - Based Sentiment Analysis: How Are Tweets Associated with Forecast Accuracy?
Shuk Ying Ho, Ka Wai (Stanley) Choi, and Fan (Finn) Yang