Volatility and shocks in the environment have often generated pressing challenges that should be addressed quickly. In response to these challenges, fast-response spontaneous virtual teams (FRSVTs) have emerged. Such teams can swiftly assemble global talent by using advanced information communication technologies and are promising with respect to their benefits; however, their success is not guaranteed because FRSVT members face challenges that prevent them from operating cohesively, such as a lack of contractual bond and team-building processes. To address these problems, we present two technology-enabled facilitative factors (i.e., awareness of members’ skills and perception of shared governance) that may positively influence an individual member’s perception of FRSVT task cohesion and subsequent outcomes. We draw these factors from the team-shared mental model. Survey results obtained from 367 FRSVT members reveal that, although both factors significantly affected perceived task cohesion, the influence of shared governance perception was stronger. Furthermore, perceived task cohesion was positively related to performance and member satisfaction. One’s propensity to reunite with team members is affected by performance and member satisfaction.
Recommended Citation
Yang, Xue; Tong, Yu; and Teo, Hock Hai
"Fostering Fast-response Spontaneous Virtual Team: Effects of Member Skill Awareness and Shared Governance on Team Cohesion and Outcomes,"
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16(11), .
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00414
Available at:
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