Special Issue on e-Infrastructure
Introduction: An Agenda for Infrastructure Studies
Paul N. Edwards, Geoffrey C. Bowker, Steven J. Jackson, and Robin Williams
The Long Now of Technology Infrastructure: Articulating Tensions in Development
David Ribes and Thomas A. Finholt
Configurable Politics and Asymmetric Integration: Health e-Infrastructures in India
Sundeep Sahay, Eric Monteiro, and Margunn Aanestad
The Development of Data Infrastructures for eHealth: A Socio-Technical Perspective
Jenny Ure, Rob Procter, Yu-wei Lin, Mark Hartswood, Stuart Anderson, Sharon Lloyd, Joanna Wardlaw, Horacio Gonzalez-Velez, and Kate Ho
Ecologies of e-Infrastructures
Vidar Hepsø, Eric Monteiro, and Knut H. Rolland
Infrastructuring: Toward an Integrated Perspective on the Design and Use of Information Technology
Volkmar Pipek and Volker Wulf