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2017 | ||
Sunday, December 10th | ||
12:00 AM |
Alfred Benedikt Brendel, University of Goettingen 12:00 AM |
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A Nice and Friendly Chat with a Bot: User Perceptions of AI-Based Service Agents Nancy Viola Wuenderlich, Universitat Paderborn Fakultat fur Wirtschaftswissenschaften 12:00 AM |
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Business Models in the Education Technology Industry: What Makes Them Successful? Wiebke Selina Wendler, Technical University of Munich 12:00 AM |
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Ronny Markus Schüritz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 12:00 AM |
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Design of a Method for Service Systems Engineering in the Digital Age Benedikt Simon Höckmayr, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg 12:00 AM |
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Exploring Design Principles for Business Model Transformation Tools Dominik Augenstein, Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie Fakultat fur Wirtschaftswissenschaften 12:00 AM |
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Giving Customers Exactly What They Want: A Networked Perspective of IT-Enabled Mass Personalization Yat Sze Evelyn NG, University of Sydney Business School 12:00 AM |
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How do Fintech Service Platforms Facilitate Value Co-Creation? An Analysis of Twitter Data Christoph Breidbach, The University of Melbourne 12:00 AM |
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Sebastian Knop, University of Bremen 12:00 AM |
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Service System Axioms that Accept Positive and Negative Outcomes and Impacts of Service Systems Steven Alter, Univerisity of San Francisco 12:00 AM |
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Service-Dominant Logic and Information Systems Research: A Review and Analysis Using Topic Modeling Leona Brust, RWTH Aachen University 12:00 AM |