Submissions from 2008
Enterprise Architecture: Charting the Territory for Academic Research, Leon Kappelman, Tom McGinnis, Alex Pettite, and Anna Sidorova
Migrating Legacy Systems in the Global Merger & Acquisition Environment Teaching Case, Pairin Katterattanakul, Hwee-Joo Kam, James J. Lee, and Soongoo Hong
Profile of the Social Network in Photo Sharing Systems, Przemyslaw Kazienko, Katarzyna Musial, and Tomasz Kajdanowicz
The Business Value of Social Network Technologies: A Framework for Identifying Opportunities for Business Value and an Emerging Research Program, Degan Kettles and Julie Smith David
Using Technologlical Tools to Solve Group Work Problems in Higher Education of Under Developing Countries: A Case Study, Habib Ullah Khan
Student Perceptions of Online Homework Grading Software, Cindi Khanlarian and Ruth King
The Moderating Effect of Top Management's Collective Mindfulness on the Relationship between Top Management Support and IS Function Performance, Shaji A. Khan and Dinesh Mirchandani
Real Options: Strategic Technology Migration Options in Wireless Industry, Hak Ju Kim
Social Network Analysis Using Author Co-Citation Data, Hyunjung Kim and George A. Barnett
Securing Personal Information Assets: Testing Antecedents of Behavioral Intentions, Jongki Kim, Kirk P. Arnett, and Gary F. Templeton
The Mediating Role of Trust in the Relationship Between Online Shopping Experience and Consumer's Shopping Values, Misuk Kim, Chul Woo Yoo, Cheul Rhee, and Young Chan Choe
A Mobile Support System for Collaborative Multi-Vendor Sales Processes, Jochen Kokemueller, Holger Kett, Oliver Hoess, and Anette Weisbecker
Understanding the Information Technology Innovation Impact on Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation, Myung Ko and Jan Guynes Clark
A Novel Trust Model to Support Adhoc Collaboration, Kristie Kosaka, Samir Chatterjee, and Hongwei Fu
Drivers of RFID Adoption in the Automotive Industry, Hanna Krasnova, Lorenz Weser, and Lenka Ivantysynova
On The Impact of Strategic Planning on Mandatory IS Investments, Katharina Krell and Sabine Matook
The Evolution of the German Corporate Network (1896-1933), Karoline Krenn and Paul Windolf
Boundary Spanning Capabilities in Offshored Information Systems Development Projects: A Conceptual Framework, Poornima Krishnan and C. Ranganathan
RFID Adoption: An Exploratory Study of Issues and Concerns, Anand S. Kunnathur and Sridhar Vaithianathan
An Empirical Study on the Effect of Attitude Toward Change and Computer Self-Efficacy on ERP Adoption: A Comparison of the Local and Global Packages, Kee-Young Kwahk
E-Transcript Web Services System Supporting Dynamic Conversion Between XML and EDI, Myungjae Kwak, Woohyun Kang, Gondy Leroy, and Samir Chatterjee
Reasearch in Healthcare DSS: Where Do We Go From Here?, W. Heath Landrum; Joseph R, Huscroft; Todd Peachey; and Dianne Hall
Do People Trust Facebook as a Technology or as a "Person"? Distinguishing Technology Trust from Interpersonal Trust, Nancy K. Lankton and D. Harrison McKnight
Toward IT Value Mapping - An Approach to Value-Based IT Management, Steffen Lanzinner, Jan Marco Leimeister, and Helmut Krcmar
An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Gender Perception of Computing, Computer Self-Efficacy and Anxiety: Comparison Between the US and India, Kittipong Laosethakul and Thaweephan Leingpibul
Requirements Specification for Supply Chain Controlling - A Mini Case Study, Marcus Laumann
e-Accessibility: Making the Web Accessible to the Visually Impaired Persons, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira, Denis Silva de Silveira, Marie Agnes Chauvel, and Marcos Gurgel do Amaral Leal Ferreira
Examining HIV and Tuberculosis Using a Decision Support Systems Computer Simulation Model: The Case of the Russian Federation, Reda M. Lebcir, Jyoti Choudrie, Rifat A. Atum, and Richard J. Corker
Decision Support for Perceived Threat in the Context of Intrustion Detection Systems, Christopher S. Leberknight, George R. Widmeyer, and Michael L. Recce
Factors Influencing Intention to Gamble Online, Chang Boon Patrick Lee and Lin Hammer Xia
A Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of eGovernment Technologies in Governmental Agencies, Gemoets Leo
Knowledge Management Culture Audit: Capturing Tacit Perceptions and Barriers, Meira Levy, Irit Hadar, Steven Greenspan, and Ethan Hadar
Concepts from Coevolution in Information Systems, Gaye Lewis
A New Method for Conflict Resoluton Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, Donghua Li, Ju Jiang, Huajun Gong, Jianye Liu, and Bin Jiang
Antecedents of Behavioral Intention of Virtual Community Participation: An Empirical Study, Honglei Li and Vincent S. Lai
IT Innovation Capability and Returns on IT Innovation Persistence, Jee-Hae Lim and Theophanis C. Stratopoulos
The Effect of Background Music-Induced Arousal on Online Consumer Search Behavior: Evaluating Search Performance and Experience, Xu Lingling, Koh Chung Haur, and Chan Hock Chuan
Bidder Migration and Its Price Effects on Auctions, Mingfeng Lin and Wolfgang Jank
A Cooporative Analysis Framework for Investment Decisions in Community Source Partnerships, Manlu Liu, Daniel D. Zeng, and J. Leon Zhao
The Effect of Individual Differences, Tasks, and Decision Models on User Acceptance of Decision Support Systems, Yucong Liu and Andrew N.K. Chen
Prospective Analysis of the Mobile Health Information Systems in China, Xiaoqing Li
Open Source Software Adoption: An Investigation Into Motivations and Amotivations of Users, Yan Li, Chuan-Hoo Tan, and Hock-Hai Teo
Virtual Community Ventures: Success Drivers in the Case of Online Video Sharing, Claudia Loebbecke and Claudio Huyskens
Impacts of Social Network Structure on Knowledge Sharing in Open Source Software Development Teams, Yuan Long and Keng Siau
Strategic Alignment Maturity: A Structural Equation Model Validation, Jerry Luftman, John Dorociak, Rajkumar Kempaiah, and Eduardo Henrique Rigoni
Open Source Software in Complex Domains: Current Perceptions in the Embedded Systems Area, Bjorn Lundell, Brian Lings, and Anna Syberfeldt
A Location-based Approach for Distributed Kiosk Design, Andy Luse, Susana Berenice Vidrio-Baron, Brian E. Mennecke, and Anthony M. Townsend
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration: A Literature Review, Maria Madlberger and Narcyz Roztocki
Towards a Stage Model for E-Business Adoption Among SMEs: Preliminary Results for Manufacturing and Service Firms, Simha R. Magal, Parag Koslage, and Nancy M. Levenburg
Social Network and Content Analysis: An Integrated Methodology to Investigate a Global Community Evolution, Marco De Maggio, Francesca Grippa, and Giuseppina Passiante
El Impacto del Adiestramiento, Habilidades en Tecnologia de la Informacion y Gerencia de Proyectos en el Exito de Implementaciones de Sistemas Integrados de Planificacion de Recuersos Empresariales (ERP) en la Pequena ya Mediana Empresa: Una Investigacion Empirica en America Latina, Miguel Maldonado, Martin Santana, and Oswaldo Lorenzo
Connecting to the Next Generation Mobile Desktop, George A. Mangalaraj and Chandra S. Amaravadi
Trust and Satisfaction as the Relational Outcomes of Perceived Usefulness in B2C Online Servive Context, Matti Mantymaki and Reeta Raitoharju
What's the Weather Like? The Effect of Team Climate and Individual Attributes on Individual Intention to Explore a New Technology, Likoebe Maruping, Massimo Magni, Leonardo Caporarello, and Stefano Basaglia
Evaluating eGovernment in the Large - A Requirements Oriented Approach, Thomas Matheis, Joerg Ziemann, Daniel Schmidt, Maria Wimmer, and Peter Loos
The Impact of Operating System Obsolescence on the Life Cycle of Distributed Teams, Herbert J. Mattord and Tridib Bandyopadhyay
The Effect of Learning Styles on Academic Performance in Technology Mediated Learning, Bob McQuaid, Ph.D.
Knowledge Integration in Software Teams, Nikhil Mehta, Dianne Hall, and Terry Byrd
Una Experiencia de Vinculación entre un Programa Academico, las Necesidades de la Industria y las Tendencias de la Disciplina, Marcelo Mejia, Jose Incera, and Mark Conway
Assessing the Effects of Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility Through RFID, Adam Melski, Juergen Mueller, Alexander Zeier, and Matthias Schumann
Misalignment of Expectations for Entry-Level IT Auditors, Jeffrey W. Merhout, Meredith A. Flittner, and Douglas Havelka
The Benefits of Unexpected Informal Customer Support from Vendors in Online Communities, Yitshak Merin and Wenli Wang
Self-Organization Mechanisms for Information Systems - A Survey, Andre Miede, Nicolas Repp, Julian Eckert, and Ralf Steinmetz
Introduction of a Coding Scheme of the Source and Target in Appropriation Moves, David W. Miller
Progress and Peril in the Championing Process, Momin Mirza, Alain Pinsonneault, and Robyn Tamblyn
Internationalizing The Information Systems Cirriculum: A Case Study, Alemayehu Molla, Hepu Deng, and Brian Corbitt
Exploring Different Roles of Information Technology for Increasing Productivity: Manufacturing vs. Service Industries, Junghoon Moon, Sooran Jo, Hong-Kyu Lee, and Sun-Ok Kwon
An Empirical Investigation of the Relationshops Among Math Confidence, Computer Confidence and Computer Self-Efficacy: Implications for Technology Education, R. Franklin Morris, Jr. and Evelyn H. Thrasher
Toward an Engaging Learning Experience for Students, Roberto A. Munoz Rosario, George R. Widmeyer, and Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Smart Knowledge Capture for Developing Adaptive Management Systems, Philip J. Murphy, Naicong Li, Roy C. Averill-Murray, Paul Burgess, and Nathan Strout
Keeping an IS Program Viable by Offering IT Literacy as a Service Course: One Department's Response to Declining Enrollments, Meg Murray and Jorge Perez
From Dichotomy to Ambidexterity: Transcending Traditions in Software Management, Nannette P. Napier, Lars Mathiassen, and Dan Robey
Challenges in Teaching Large Online Sections, Carlos J. Navarrette and Ruth A, Guthrie
The Role of Information Technology in Firm Agility: An Electronic Integration Perspective, Salman Nazir and Alain Pinsonneault
A Framework for Classification of the Data and Information Quality Literature and Preliminart Results (1996-2007), M. Pamela Neely and Jack Cook
Information Systems Ph.D. Program in Africa: The Case of Addis Ababa University - Ethiopia, Solomon Negash and Richard Watson
A Rural Tale: A Cautionary Allegory for IS Researchers, Mike Newman
A Method for Authentication Services in Wireless Networks, Huy Hoang Ngo, Xian Ping Wu, Phu Dung Le, and Campbell Wilson
Towards a Generic Governance Model for Service Oriented Architectures, Michael Niemann, Julian Eckert, Nicolas Repp, and Ralf Steinmetz
Blowing the Whistle on Unethical Information Techmology Practices: The Role of Machiavellianism, Gender and Computer Liteacy, Yuan Niu, Antonis C. Stylianou, and Susan J. Winter
Inscriptions on Intranets as Information Infastructures - Exposing the Cultivation Chasm, Brian O'Flaherty and Jason Whalley
Social Sensors for Automatic Data Collection, Daniel Olguin Olguin and Alex (Sandy) Pentland
Language-Critical Enterprise and Software Engineering, Erich Ortner
Assessing Hospital Information Systems Processes: A Validation of PRISE Information Systems Success Model in Healthcare, Sevgi Ozkan, Nazife Byakal, and Murat Sincan
Isolation and Emotions in the Workplace: The Influence of Perceived Media Richness and Virtuality, Jessie Pallud and Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque
The "Love of Art" vs. Website Design: An Application of Bourdieu's Theory in Online Environments, Jessie Pallud and Detmar W. Straub
e-HR Systems Implementation: A Conceptual Framework, Somendra Pant and Abha Chatterjee
Perceived Risk and Resilience in the Face of Natural Disasters: A Study of Hospital, Insu Park, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, and Shambhu J. Upadhyaya
Mindful Administration of IS Security Policies, James L. Parrish, Jr.; John R. Kuhn, Jr.; and James F. Courtney
A Bayesian-Decision Analysis Framework for the Financial Evaluation of Automatic Incident Detection Devices, Parag C. Pendharkar
Unweaving the Phisher's Net: An Exploratory Study, Begona Perez-Mira
Real-Time Control Mediation in Agile Distributed Software Development, John S. Persson, Ivan Aaen, and Lars Mathiassen
Readiness of Small Enterprises for GIS: The Question of Strategy, James B. Pick, Kamala Gollakota, Hamid Falatoon, and Richard Greene
Leadership and Trust in Partially Distributed Software Development Teams, Linda Plotnick, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Rosalie Ocker, A. F. Rutkowski, and Mary Beth Rosson
Fit Between IT Outsourcing Supplier Sourcing Capabilities and Organizational Structure: A Conceptual Model, Albert Plugge and Harry Bowman
Error Reduction in Healthcare Delivery, Danny C.C. PooSingapore Prime Minister's Office, Sunil K. Sethi, and Anil K. Ratty
A Meta-Analytic Review of More than a Decade of Research on General Computer Self-Efficacy: Research in Progress, Clay Posey, Yan Liu, and Bryan Fuller
Information Technology and Business Value: How Complementary IT Usage Platform and Capable Resources Explain IT Business Value Variation, Acklesh Prasad and Jon Heales