Submissions from 2008
Information Technology and Business Value in a Global Economy: Do Information Technology Investments Pay Off In a Developing Economy?, Acklesh Prasad and Jon Heales
Project Management Techniques for Managing Cross-Cultural Differences in IT Offshore Outsourcing, Michael Prifling, Robert Gregory, and Roman Beck
Whose (Partially Distributed) Team Are You On? Interviews About "Us vs. Them" in Corporate Settings, Robin Privman and Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Adoption of Information Technology by Micro-enterprises: Insights from a Rural Community, Sajda Qureshi, Mahruz Kamal, and Travis Good
Design Criteria for Transparent Mobile Event Recommendations, Mike Radmacher
Updating Data Warehouses with Temporal Data, Nayem Rahman
Good Works and Networks: Information System as Nexus for the Promotion of Sustainable Community Development, Neil C. Ramiller and Madeleine Pullman
Language of Change, Humayun Rashid
E-Collaboration Systems in Virtual Organizations - Recommednations for Tool Support Based on Genre Analysis, Kai Riemer and Nadine Vehring
A Reference Process Model for IT Service Management, Michael Rohloff
Framework and Reference for Architecture Design, Michael Rohloff
A Model for Understanding Success of Virtual Community Management Teams, Christoph Rosenkranz and Christoph Feddersen
The Impact of the Big Five Personality Traits on the Acceptance of Social Networking Website, Peter A. Rosen and Donald H. Kluemper
Event Studies in Information Systems Research: A Review, Narcyz Roztocki and Heinz Roland Weistroffer
Information Systems and Stock Return Volatility, Eran Rubin and Amir Rubin
An Ethnorelative Framework for Information Systems Design, David J. Saab
An Open Reference Framework for Enterprise Information Security Risk Management Using the STOPE Scope and the Six-Sigma Process, Mohamed Saad Saleh, Abdulkader Alfantookh, John Mellor, and Saad Haj Bakry
Analisis de los roles de liderazgo en la implementacion de sistemas empresariales (ERP). Caso de una Universidad Mexicana., Noe Garcia Sanchez, Pedro Lopez Santiago, Jose A. Santillan Mendoza, and Juan J. Martinez-Herrejon
Font Personality and B2C E-Commerce Trust, Sharath Sasidharan and Ganga Dhanesh
An Exploratory Study on Environmental Sustainability and IT Use, Luftus Sayeed and Sam Gill
Inhibiting Factors for Adopting Enterprise Systems in Networks of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - An Exploratory Case Study, Markus Schaefermeyer and Christoph Rosenkranz
Managing of Information Systems Risks in Extended Enterprises: The Case of Outsourcing, Bastian Schlaak, Scott Dynes, Lutz M. Kolbe, and Ragnar Schierholz
B2C Advice on Complex Service Products via Video Calls: Explanations from Social Presence and Adaptive Structuration Theory, Mirjam Schmidt, Rita M. Walczuch, and Ko de Ruyter
Integration Scenarios for Business Collaboration, Petra Schubert
Examining Approaches to Effective Concept Delivery; One Professor's Approach in the MIS Survey Course, Dana Schwieger
Factors Affecting Malaysian Accountants' Broadband Adoption and Use Behavior, Mohammed Hisyam Selamat, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Muhammad Syahir Abd Wahab, Mohd Amir Mat Samsudin, Michael D. Williams, and Banita Lal
Information Buried in B2B Contracts: Towards Identifying Interdependencies in IT Service Processes, Sagnika Sen and Amit V. Deokar
User Perceptions and Employment of Interface Agents for Email Notification: An Inductive Approach, Alexander Serenko
An Analysis of the Management Capabilities of ICT Innovation for Sustained Competitiveness in SMEs, Shari S.C. Shang and Liang-yu Liao
Exploring the Relationship Between Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning via Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, Amir M. Sharif and Zahir Irani
User Adoption of a CRM-based Information System Within a Financial Services Organization: An Empirical Analysis, Amir M. Sharif and Zahir Irani
Quality Assurance Based Healthcare Information System Design, Mark Christopher Shaw and Bernard Carsten Stahl
Understanding the Motivations of Consumer Knowledge Sharing in Online Community, Sarah P.W. Shek and Choon-Ling Sla
Intentions to Use Virtual Worlds: An Exploratory Study, Jia Shen and Lauren Eder
A Social Status Perspective of Network Utility Over Electronic Channels in Academic Communities, Karma Sherif, James Wilcox, and Jaeki Song
Health Service Providers' Preferences in ICT Use for Health Service Delivery in Namibia, Meke I. Shivute, Vesper T. Owei, and Blessing M. Maumbe
Attribute Noise-Sensitivity Impact: Model Performance and Feature Ranking, Mohamed Sidahmed
Selling and Renting Information Goods: Case of E-Books, Harpreet Singh
Facilitating Flexibility in Supply Chain Organizations: The Confounding Effect of Information, Joseph B. Skipper; W. Heath Landrum; Joseph R, Huscroft; Todd Peachey; Dianne Hall; and Joseph B. Hanna
Social Network Sites: Antecedents of User Adoption and Usage, Deb Sledgianowski and Songpol Kulviwat
Moving Towards Information System Security Accreditation within Australian State Government Agencies, Stephen Smith, Rodger Jamieson, Deborah Bunker, and Donald Winchester
Barriers to Enterprise System Implementation Success: Learning from Practitioners in Poland, Pitor Soja
Paradigm and Pluralism: Using Theory from Occupational Sociology and the Sociology of the Professions to Frame an Identity for IS, Mark John Somers
Email as an Integration Device: A Study of Work Place Information Sharing, Dick Stenmark and Taline Jadaan
Towards an Understanding of the Business Value of Business Process Standardization - A Case Study Approach, Alexander von Stetten, Bjoern Muenstermann, Andreas Eckhardt, and Sven Laumer
Application of Domain Ontology for Decision Support in Medical Emergency Coordination, Fonny Sujanto, Frada Burstein, Andrzej Ceglowski, and Leonid Churilov
How Users Respond to Authentication Methods: A Study of Security Readiness, Jun Sun and Punit Ahluwalia
There All Along? A Preliminary Meta-Analysis of the Moderating Gender Effects in Technology Acceptance Research, Wenying Nan Sun, Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta, Michael E. Ellis, and George Marakas
Why and When Will Banner Blindness Occur? An Analysis Based on the Dual Processing Theory, Yongqiang Sun, Kai H. Lim, Jerry Zeyu Peng, Chungping Jiang, and Xiaojian Chen
Conceptualization and Measurement of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM): An Examination of Past Practices and Suggestions for Future Applications, Matthew Swinarski, Eric Jackson, and Rajiv Kishore
Cognition and Culture in ICT Experience, Weiwei Tan and Raafat Saade
Integrating Lightweight Systems Analysis into the United Process by Using Service Responsibility Tables, Xin Tan, Steven Alter, and Keng Siau
Corporate Acceptance of M-Technology in the Service Sector: A Case Study, Rana Tassabehji, James Wallace, and Amit Srivastava
Communication Ties in Distributed Work, Albert SM Tay
Piloting RFID in an Aerospace and Defense Supply Chain, Ashish Tewary, Parag Kosalge, and Jaideep Motwani
Change Agents Intervention in E-Business Adoption by SMEs: Evidence from a Developing Country, Sheryl Thompson and David Brown
Measuring the Value of User Participation in Change Projects - Results from Case Studies in the Mobile IT-Service Sector, Bettina Thurnher and Jan vom Brocke
Orientação do Alinhamento Estratégico entre Negócio e Tecnologia de Informacao: Uma Analise Focade no Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos, Enor Tonolli and Angela F. Brodbeck
Exploring the Influence of Ethical Norms on Organizaional Knowledge Management: An Ethical Climate Perspective, Fan-Chuan Tseng, Grace Feng Wang, and Yen-Jung Fan
Improving End-User Satisfaction Through Techno-Stress Prevention: Some Empirical Evidences, Qiang Tu, Monideepa Tarafdar, T. S. Ragu-Nathan, and Bhanu S. Ragu-Nathan
Simulation of Automated File Migratoon in Information Lifecycle Management, Lars Arne Turczyk, Christian Frei, Martin Behrens, Nicolas Liebau, and Ralf Steinmetz
Blackberry Addiction: Symptoms and Outcomes, Ofir Turel, Alexander Serenko, and Nick Bontis
Contextualizing the Adoption of Electric Collaboration Tools: System and Team Considerations, Ofir Turel and Yi Zhang
Business Intelligence Center Concepts, Carsten Unger, Hans-Georg Kemper, and Arvid Russland
A Methodological Examination of Empirical Research on Information Systems Success: 2003 to 2007, Nils Urbach, Stefan Smolnik, and Gerold Riempp
The Role of Trust in the Intention to Use Feedback from Reputation Systems, Sandra A. Vannoy, Anupam K. Nath, and Lakshmi Iyer
National Culture's Impact on B2B Technology Adoption in Thailand, Savanid Vatanasakdakul
Mapas de Conocimiento: Caso Practico en una Entidad Gubernamental, Edgar S. Vilcapoma-Escurra and Jose A. Robles-Flores
New Public Management and IT: A Mexican Case Study, Jose Martinez Vilchis and Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazan
Teenagers' Elective Use of Computer Technology in Middle and High Schools: The Role of Gender, Sonia Vilvovsky, Jane Fedorowicz, and Andrew J. Golibersuch
Empowerment of Slum Children in Developing Countries Through Information Technology: Human Capabilities Versus Environmental Determinism, Vishnu Vinekar
e-Collaboration Satisfaction: Empirical Field Studies of Disconfirmation Theory Across Two Cultures, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Bruce A. Reinig, and Robert O. Briggs
The Development of IT Business Alignment and Usage Patterns Over Time in SME: A Longitudinal Case Study, Heinz-Theo Wagner
Information Systems and Decision Quality: Lessons from Information Economics and Agency Theory, Friederike Wall
Developing the Concept of Individual IT-Culture: The Spinning Top Metaphor, Isabelle Walsh and Hajer Kefi
The Role of IT Culture in IT Management: Searching for Individual Archetypal IT Cultural Profiles, Isabelle Walsh and Hajer Kefi
A Cross-Category Analysis of the Effects of Consumer Reviews and Ratings, Bin Wang and Bao-Jun Jiang
A Principal-Agent Perspective on ERP Implementation Decisions: An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese Listed Companies, Liyan Wang, Jidong Zhang, Longhua Yang, and Qing Liao
How the Web Influences the Way We Perceive and Evaluate Goods: An Exploratory Study, Yun Wan, Makoto Nakayama, and Norma Sutcliffe
Realising Transformational Stage E-Government: Challenges, Issues and Complexities, Vishanth Weerakkody, Gurgit Dhillon, Yogesh Dwivedi, and Wendy Currie
Privacy Threat Model for Data Portability in Social Network Applications, Stefan Weiss
Online Gaming Adoption in Competitive Social Networks: Combining the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Network Theory, Thomas Weiss and Claudia Loebbecke
Because Excel will Mind Me! The State of Constituent Data Management in Small Nonprofit Organizations, Hannah West and Gina Green
Internet Business Practices Across the Globe: Lessons from Emerging Economies, Jonathan Whitaker, Nigel Melville, Robert Plice, and Jason Dedrick
Adoption of e-Government in Europe: A Regional Level Perspective, Michael D. Williams and Yogesh Dwivedi
Experiences While Selecting, Adapting and Implementing ERP Systems in SMEs: A Case Study, Axel Winkelmann and Karsten Klose
The Land and Water Integration Decision Support System, Isaac Wong, Phil Fong, William G. Booty, Cathy Neilsen, Glenn Benoy, and David A. Swayne
Dynamic Healthcare Connectivity and Collaboration with Multi-Agent Systems, Joseph M. Woodside
Towards a Reference Architecture of Intent for Information Systems Strategic Alignment, Richard W. Woolridge, Joanne E. Hale, and David P. Hale
By When Do You Need This Done? Discovering Knowledge Workers' Time Management Practices, Dezhi Wu, Katia Passerini, and Michael R. Bartolacci
Technology Management Competency of Healthcare IS Professionals and Its Effects on IT-healthcare Partnerships, Jen-Her Wu and Yi-Cheng Chen
Facilitating Sensemaking in Organizations Through Social Navigation Systems, Jing Wu and Alain Pinsonneault
IT Outsourcing: Examined Under the Resource-Based View Lens, Shalini Wunnava, Selwyn Ellis, Mark Kroll, and Jim Watkins
Infastructure Interdependencies Modeling and Analysis - A Review and Synthesis, Nan Xiao, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, and Shambhu Upadhyaya
A Moral Hazard Perspective on Environmental Uncertainty and IT Governance, Ling Xue, Gautam Ray, and Bin Gu
Mobile User's Privacy Decision Making: Integrating Economic Exchange and Social Justice Perspectives, Heng Xu, Mary Beth Rosson, and John M. Carroll
Factors Motivating Software Piracy in Vietnam, Chul Woo Yoo, Misuk Kim, Young Chan Choe, and Vo Quoc Tuan
A Study of the Changing Process of Knowledge-Sharing Habits, Mei-Lien Young and Chun-Chi Chen
Developing Knowledge Absorptive Capacity of SMEs in China, Angela Yan Yu, Xiao-Ying Dong, and De-Jun Qi
Mobile Computing Trends in IS Research: An Inductive Categorization Analysis, Yanjun Yu, Avimanyu Datta, D. Alan Ladd, and Saonee Sarker