
Several studies have shown the value of categorization schemes such as the DeSanctis and Poole (1994) typologies of appropriation moves in illuminating aspects of technology adoption and use (e.g. Poole and DeSanctis, 1992; DeSanctis, et al, 1993; Chudoba, 1999). The DeSanctis and Poole typology has served as both sensitizing categories for the recognition of appropriation moves and as a tool for organizing observed appropriation moves for interpretation and analysis (Chudoba, 1999; Miller, under review). Such analyses have provided important insight into patterns of adoption and use of technology within groups. Recent study however, has shown the value of analysis that delves deeper into the complexities of appropriation moves and illuminates aspects of appropriation that analysis of the types of appropriation moves alone does not reveal (Miller, under review). In particular, research has shown that determining the initiator of an appropriation move (the source) and the person or group towards whom the move is directed (the target) offers greater understanding of the nature of appropriation moves and reveals patterns of appropriation not apparent from analysis of the types of appropriation moves. Building on that research, this paper suggests a coding scheme that identifies and categorizes the source and target in appropriation moves. This coding scheme complements the DeSanctis and Poole (1994) appropriation move typology. When combined with the appropriation moves typology, the source-target scheme provides a ready means for organizing observations for analysis of an important aspect of group interaction and technology adoption and use.
