
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems


The wide use of Social Network Site (SNS) brand pages by companies has renovated brand strategies in the new era. This study is to provide meaningful implications regarding companies’ effective use of SNS brand pages and help global companies with their development of brand strategies. Using survey, this study investigates motivating factors (functional benefits, hedonic benefits, economic benefits, intrinsic benefits, and brand reputation) influencing SNS brand page users’ participation and commitment and the subsequent impact on purchase intention. Potential cultural differences between Chinese and Korean users are also examined along Hofstede’s culture framework. The results show that prior motivating factors found in traditional online brand communities largely hold in the context of SNS brand page in both countries, but there are differences in the significance and importance of motivating factors between the two countries. Implications and contributions are discussed.

Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol9/iss4/3/



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