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With social media significantly shaping consumer behavior and digital marketing strategies, understanding the ethical use of AI in social media platforms is essential. This paper investigates users’ perceptions of AI fairness in social media marketing platforms. Through qualitative interviews with users, influencers, and an engineer from RED, a leading Chinese social media and e-commerce platform, we explore concerns regarding AI ethics, privacy, and influencer marketing on the platform. The findings indicate substantial distrust in algorithms and widespread apprehension about the collection and use of personal data, underscoring the need for enhanced transparency and fairness in AI applications. In response, we propose a Digital Jury System to boost user trust and ensure ethical content governance through crowdsourced participation and algorithmic accountability. This paper contributes to the ethical use of social media marketing platforms and proposes practical strategies to balance AI with ethical responsibility in social media contexts.




Jul 2nd, 12:00 AM

Investigating User Perceptions of Fairness in Social Media Marketing Platform

With social media significantly shaping consumer behavior and digital marketing strategies, understanding the ethical use of AI in social media platforms is essential. This paper investigates users’ perceptions of AI fairness in social media marketing platforms. Through qualitative interviews with users, influencers, and an engineer from RED, a leading Chinese social media and e-commerce platform, we explore concerns regarding AI ethics, privacy, and influencer marketing on the platform. The findings indicate substantial distrust in algorithms and widespread apprehension about the collection and use of personal data, underscoring the need for enhanced transparency and fairness in AI applications. In response, we propose a Digital Jury System to boost user trust and ensure ethical content governance through crowdsourced participation and algorithmic accountability. This paper contributes to the ethical use of social media marketing platforms and proposes practical strategies to balance AI with ethical responsibility in social media contexts.

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