Track Co-Chairs
Bingjie Deng, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Dongwon Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Xue Yang, Nanjing University

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Tuesday, July 2nd

Are Loyal Customers Always More Likely to Buy on the Platform? Moderating Role of Browsing Pattern

Seongbeom Kim, Yonsei
Woosik Shin, Yonsei University
Hee-Woong Kim, Yonsei University

Buy Now Pay Later: Untangling the Nonlinear Effect of Installment Payment on Consumer Purchases

Bo Huang, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Wuyue Shangguan, Xiamen University
Jinan Shao, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Jie Fang, Nottingham University Business School China
Weiping Liu, University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Crises and E-loyalty Programs:Adaptive Point Usage Behavior during Crises

XUANTING JIN, Korea University
Taekyung Kim, Kyung Hee University
Dongwon Lee, Korea University

Customized Preventive Returns Management: Socio-Demographic Factors and Their Influence on Return Behavior

Bjoern Asdecker, University of Bamberg
Kara Kabino, University of Bamberg
Stefanie Klemisch, University of Bamberg
Vanessa Felch, University of Bamberg

Emotional Voice, Informational Content: Streamer Social Supports and User Experience in Live Streaming Community

Minghua Zhang, Renmin University of China
Jilong Zhang, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Liye Wang, School of Economics and Management,Communication University of China
Jin Zhang, Renmin University of China

Gaining Popularity through Sponsorship in the Open Source Software Community

Jin Hu, The University of Hong Kong
Daning Hu, Southern University of Science and Technology
Xuan Yang, University of Zurich
Sichen Dong, The University of Hong Kong
Huilin Gao, The University of HongKong

Gamified Marketing Practice: An Experiment-Based Study on The Effect of Social and Empowering Gamification

Samaan Al‐Msallam, Tampere University
Nannan Xi, Tampere University
Juho Hamari, Tampere University

Impacts of Platform-Endorsed Service Guarantee on Seller Performance: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment

Jun Yang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
qing tong, Schol of Management
Demei Kong, School of Economics and Management
Guanqun Shi, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Investigating User Perceptions of Fairness in Social Media Marketing Platform

Zhengyu ZHU, The University of Melbourne
Libo Liu, The University of Melbourne

Price Dynamics and Information Disclosure in B2B Multichannel Markets

May Truong, IE Business School
Alok Gupta, University of Minnesota
Wolfgang Ketter, University of Cologne
Eric van Heck, Erasmus University

Towards A Fair Design of Product Review Systems

Zhuolan Bao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Yulin Fang, The University of Hong Kong

Trust in Digital Commerce: the Moderating Effect of Blockchain Teability Labels

Zhen Shao, Harbin Institute of Technology
Yu Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology