
Technological accessibility constitutes a constant search for positive experiences that support the adoption of processes in their implementation. It is necessary to build management capacities that favor the training in accessibility of the university community considering the inclusion of students with disabilities. The European experience in the application of regulations and good practices in accessibility constitutes a relevant contribution for Latin American universities that need to strengthen their knowledge in attending to diversity, particularly disability. The Erasmus+ EduTech project seeks to improve Accessible Virtual Higher Education by generating a set of recommendations and support tools for inclusive training. One of the major contributions of the project will be the creation of Technological Accessibility Attention Units in each partner university, in charge of implementing the results of the project. In the long term, the project results could impact the educational and occupational insertion of students with disabilities.

Recommended Citation

Oton Tortosa, S. & Ingavélez-Guerra, P. (2021). EduTech: Proposal for the Creation of Virtual Accessibility Assistance Units in Higher Education in Latin America. In E. Insfran, F. González, S. Abrahão, M. Fernández, C. Barry, H. Linger, M. Lang, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Crossing Boundaries between Development and Operations (DevOps) in Information Systems (ISD2021 Proceedings). Valencia, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València.

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EduTech: Proposal for the Creation of Virtual Accessibility Assistance Units in Higher Education in Latin America

Technological accessibility constitutes a constant search for positive experiences that support the adoption of processes in their implementation. It is necessary to build management capacities that favor the training in accessibility of the university community considering the inclusion of students with disabilities. The European experience in the application of regulations and good practices in accessibility constitutes a relevant contribution for Latin American universities that need to strengthen their knowledge in attending to diversity, particularly disability. The Erasmus+ EduTech project seeks to improve Accessible Virtual Higher Education by generating a set of recommendations and support tools for inclusive training. One of the major contributions of the project will be the creation of Technological Accessibility Attention Units in each partner university, in charge of implementing the results of the project. In the long term, the project results could impact the educational and occupational insertion of students with disabilities.