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The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has led to a competitive race among digital and incumbent players to establish IIoT platforms. However, despite the undisputed potential of the IIoT, a first wave of IIoT platforms failed around 2018, with GE’s Predix being the most prominent one. Nevertheless, building upon valuable lessons learned, the IIoT platform market continued to grow significantly. We now experience a second wave of IIoT platform failures, with companies like Siemens, Google, and SAP divesting or restructuring significant parts of their IIoT platform. Acknowledging this, we revisited the IIoT platform graveyard to challenge and extend existing lessons learned. Hence, we interviewed major IIoT platforms and customers that were impacted by IIoT platform failures. We identified six key learnings that we integrated into a preliminary model for IIoT platform growth, highlighting evolutionary steps for successful platform growth. These findings provide practitioners strategic orientation for establishing IIoT platforms long-term.




Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Revisiting the IIoT Platform Graveyard: Key Learnings from Failed IIoT Platform Initiatives

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has led to a competitive race among digital and incumbent players to establish IIoT platforms. However, despite the undisputed potential of the IIoT, a first wave of IIoT platforms failed around 2018, with GE’s Predix being the most prominent one. Nevertheless, building upon valuable lessons learned, the IIoT platform market continued to grow significantly. We now experience a second wave of IIoT platform failures, with companies like Siemens, Google, and SAP divesting or restructuring significant parts of their IIoT platform. Acknowledging this, we revisited the IIoT platform graveyard to challenge and extend existing lessons learned. Hence, we interviewed major IIoT platforms and customers that were impacted by IIoT platform failures. We identified six key learnings that we integrated into a preliminary model for IIoT platform growth, highlighting evolutionary steps for successful platform growth. These findings provide practitioners strategic orientation for establishing IIoT platforms long-term.

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