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The Crypto Winter of 2022 exposed multi-dimensional risks in the crypto ecosystem which extend beyond technical imperatives to include societal and institutional factors. A domino effect saw several major crypto firms losing large amounts of investor cash or becoming bankrupt. This practitioner focused study adopts a grounded methodology to gather empirical data from regulators, crypto firms, and investors on developing a policy framework for crypto assets. The case study context is the US regulatory environment. Findings show regulatory agencies face ideological, operational, and technical obstacles, as they engage in debates about the efficacy of competing regulatory scenarios. The paper presents two major tensions which require the attention of policy makers and legislators to mitigate future societal and institutional risks from crypto assets.




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Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Unpacking the Societal and Institutional Risks of Crypto Assets: The Policy-Innovation Nexus

The Crypto Winter of 2022 exposed multi-dimensional risks in the crypto ecosystem which extend beyond technical imperatives to include societal and institutional factors. A domino effect saw several major crypto firms losing large amounts of investor cash or becoming bankrupt. This practitioner focused study adopts a grounded methodology to gather empirical data from regulators, crypto firms, and investors on developing a policy framework for crypto assets. The case study context is the US regulatory environment. Findings show regulatory agencies face ideological, operational, and technical obstacles, as they engage in debates about the efficacy of competing regulatory scenarios. The paper presents two major tensions which require the attention of policy makers and legislators to mitigate future societal and institutional risks from crypto assets.

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