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While implementing with caution, Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds potential to help nations address pressing social issues, such as homelessness, climate change, and healthcare accessibility. With the existing and potential economic and social benefits of AI, it is crucial to integrate AI learning in undergraduate education. This paper presents the preliminary findings of a course project that engages students to learn AI by prototyping solutions to address important social issues in their communities among 120 undergraduate MIS students. Students worked in groups and developed chatbots that addressed a variety of community issues during COVID-19. A survey study shows students’ enhanced understanding and mastery of AI concepts and applications, empowerment of contributing to their communities through AI innovation, and an emerging awareness of diversity, equity, and ethical issues in the community and AI technologies. We conclude with implications of learning AI, innovation, and ethics through the lens of AI for social good.




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Dec 11th, 12:00 AM

Prototyping AI-Powered Social Innovation in an Undergraduate MIS course

While implementing with caution, Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds potential to help nations address pressing social issues, such as homelessness, climate change, and healthcare accessibility. With the existing and potential economic and social benefits of AI, it is crucial to integrate AI learning in undergraduate education. This paper presents the preliminary findings of a course project that engages students to learn AI by prototyping solutions to address important social issues in their communities among 120 undergraduate MIS students. Students worked in groups and developed chatbots that addressed a variety of community issues during COVID-19. A survey study shows students’ enhanced understanding and mastery of AI concepts and applications, empowerment of contributing to their communities through AI innovation, and an emerging awareness of diversity, equity, and ethical issues in the community and AI technologies. We conclude with implications of learning AI, innovation, and ethics through the lens of AI for social good.

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