ICIS 2020 Proceedings
Digital inclusion is the idea that all stakeholders should have equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from digitization initiatives and related innovations. Grassroots digital innovations can potentially lead to the development of global solutions, and mass global technology solutions can be creatively localized. Digital inclusion is fundamental in a world in which only 56% of its inhabitants have access to the Internet. The ICIS 2020 Conference Committee, ICIS Executive Committee, and AIS staff and volunteers are excited to put forth a great program, with workshops, ancillary events, research presentations, keynotes, panels, networking opportunities and much more.
ISBN 978-1-7336325-5-3
Conference Co-Chairs
Joey George, Iowa State University
Souren Paul, Northern Kentucky University
Rahul De', Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Program Co-Chairs
Elena Karahanna, University of Georgia
Suprateek Sarker, University of Virginia
Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Tel Aviv University
Browse the contents of ICIS 2020 Proceedings:
- Advances in Research Methods
- Blockchain, DLT and Fintech
- Cyber-security, Privacy, Legal and Ethical Issues in IS
- Digital Commerce and the Digitally Connected Enterprise
- Digital Innovation, Entrepreneurship and New Business Models
- Digital Learning Environment and Future IS Curriculum
- Digitization in Cities and the Public Sector
- General IS Topics
- Governance, Strategy and Value of IS
- Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Augmentation
- Implementation and Adoption of Digital Technologies
- IoT and the Smart Connected World
- IS Development and Project Management
- IS in Healthcare
- IS in the Workplace and the Future of Work
- Making Digital Inclusive: Blending Local and Global
- Panels
- Paper-a-Thon
- Practitioner Track
- Professional Development Workshops (PDW)
- Select Recordings from Conference
- Sharing Economy, Platforms and Crowds
- Social Media and Digital Collaboration
- Societal Impact of IS
- User Behaviors, User Engagement, and Consequences