This paper presents the results of research studies that use innovative educational materials to teach business and engineering courses. The innovation was part of a National Science Foundation grant to develop multimedia case studies that include photos, videos, and textual materials that bring real-world issues to the classroom. When these case studies were used in the classrooms, the students assumed roles of the managers and technical personnel discussed in the case and defended the position assigned to them. During this process, students are expected to integrate business skills with technical knowledge, enhance their decision-making skills, use principles of risk and cost management to solve problems, and enhance teamwork. Evaluation of the use of these materials in undergraduate classrooms shows that the students perceive enhanced opportunities for active learning and improvement of their higher-level cognitive skills. In addition, these case studies were shown to stimulate interest in non-engineering, female, and minority students about engineering and technical topics. The article is based on a workshop at the Americas Conference on Information Systems 2001 in Boston.
Recommended Citation
Sankar, C., & Raju, P. (2002). Special Issue on the AMCIS 2001 Workshops: Bringing Real-World Issues into Classrooms: A Multi-Media Case Study Approach. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 8, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.00814
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