- About AIS publications
- Electronic Publication
- Editorial Board
- Archiving
- Copyright
- Subscriptions
- Forthcoming Papers
About AIS Publications
The Association for Information Systems (AIS) began publishing two electronic journals in 1999 - Communications of the Association for Information Systems and The Journal of AIS. These journals are designed to be complementary and the first part of this statement of editorial policy is common to both. In content, each fulfils the role usually associated with the terms "communications" and "journal". Communications is intended to foster the free flow of ideas within the IS community; its emphasis is on originality, importance, and cogency of ideas; it is also a vehicle for case studies, survey articles, tutorials, and other materials of general interest to the IS community. The Journal is a classical, reviewed outlet for research with every intention of being equal to the best in the field.
Articles should be submitted to one of the journals in accordance with its content and the way the authors wish to have the submission processed. In case of doubt as to which journal is most appropriate for a particular article, it may be submitted to either and the editors will decide which one is most suitable.
Electronic Publication
Both journals will be delivered to subscribers electronically. There is no paper copy. The entire publication process from submission, through review, revision, and final edit is electronic. Electronic publication has a number of implications:
- 1. The cycle from submission to delivery is shortened. Every effort will be made to ensure that reviews are submitted in a timely manner; once an article has been accepted for publication, there will be no need to wait for the next available issue after such and such a number of publication cycles. Given the nature of the delivery system, articles will be delivered to subscribers immediately when they become available. The numbering system for the Communications of the Association for Information Systems is Vol. X (year), No. y. For example, the third article in 2000 was Volume 2 (2000), No. 3
- 2. Authors will be required to adhere strictly to the publication guidelines in terms of software and text formats to facilitate the rapid turnaround, which we intend to make a hallmark of these publications.
Editorial Board
There is a Senior Editorial Board for AIS Publications as well as an editorial board for each journal. The editorial board membership for the Communications of the Association for Information Systems is accessible here.
As part of its mission, the Communications of the Association for Information Systems maintains a digital archive of all published articles here.
Submission of an article to CAIS implies the authors' certification that the manuscript is not copyrighted and is not currently under review by any other journal or conference proceedings.
Copyright to all articles published by the Communications of the Association for Information Systems must be transferred by the authors to AIS prior to publication. Authors will be required to fill out and sign a form to this effect.
Electronic or print copies may be made for non-commercial personal or class-room use. In cases of classroom copies, copyright should be attributed to AIS on each copy.
Authors may include a copy of their article on their Web page as long as it is clearly noted that AIS owns the copyright and use for profit is not allowed. Such an author version must be identical to the final published version, and include a link to Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
Sample of Copyright Release form
All members of the Association for Information Systems receive complementary subscriptions to the Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Information and rates about joining AIS is available. Non-members of AIS can subscribe to the journal for an annual fee of $40.
In 2011, the AIS Council approved the assessment of a $75 publishing fee for articles accepted for publication in any official AIS journal with no AIS member authors (Bylaw 11.7). The publishing fee is implemented since November 1, 2012 for JAIS and CAIS. To prevent any delay in the publishing of your article, please ensure that at least one author is a member of AIS. You can also join AIS at any time for this and many other benefits. For questions regarding this policy, please email publications@aisnet.org for additional assistance.
Forthcoming Papers
Forthcoming papers have been accepted for publication at the Communications of the Association for Information Systems and are posted in the eLibrary. Copies of unedited manuscripts can either be obtained by clicking the manuscript title and downloading it from the eLibrary or contacting the corresponding author listed on the cover page.
The manuscripts listed as forthcoming will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proofs before they are published in their final form. During the production process errors may be discovered, which could affect the content. All legal disclaimers that apply to the Communications of the Association for Information Systems pertain. For information on the AIS Green Open Access Policy see https://aisnet.org/page/PoliciesGuidelines