The fast-paced development of e-commerce caused many people in business to overlook key aspects of the relevant design principles for e-commerce systems. E-commerce applications that are currently being implemented and used are not necessarily the best and the most efficient that people can design and build. The result is an opportunity for e-commerce design science researchers to make significant contributions and for business schools to create and maintain a strong e-commerce design science group of researchers. However, fulfilling this need is often difficult for business schools because resources and design science researchers are both scarce. Partnering with the computer science school within the same university to set up an e-commerce research center that focuses on design science research may be a feasible alternative.
Recommended Citation
Au, Y. (2001). Design Science I: The Role of Design Science in Electronic Commerce Research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 7, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.00701
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