This article argues that IS research is not relevant to the practitioner community due to the tenure-based reward system. It shows that long delays between performing research and publishing in a top journal make our research less timely and useful to practitioners. Teaching and publishing loads give our junior faculty less time to gain practical experience through working with practitioners; and if they do, their focus on the underlying general theory makes them ill prepared to solve specific practitioner problems. Adjuncts and Lecturers are not solutions. The tenure system makes these positions second class. It is suggested that publishing requirements be loosened to allow more of our work to be published in practitioner-oriented or lower level journals and conferences. Encourage gaining practical experience by broadening what is considered for tenure and consider granting Lecturers tenure. Finally, shorten publication times by increasing the use of electronic journals and publishing.
Recommended Citation
Jennex, M. (2001). Research Relevance-You Get What You Reward. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 6, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.00613
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