Communications of the Association for Information Systems

Author ORCID Identifier

Helmi Issa: 0000-0002-0556-3748

Arjun Kadian: 0009-0001-3656-5586

Suchit Ahuja: 0000-0002-6961-0398

Rohit Nishant: 0000-0001-7201-4901


The rise of generative AI has sparked a wave of innovation and created opportunities for organizations to deliver novel services to their customers. While much attention has been given to harnessing the potential of AI, there is limited research exploring its unintended consequences. This study aims to investigate the unintended outcomes of implementing Generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT in educational technology (EdTech) startups. By employing a qualitative case study methodology, we examine the experiences of a specific French EdTech startup that incorporated ChatGPT into its processes and activities. Our empirical analysis reveals three unintended consequences: impairment of digital agility, technostress, and process reengineering (redesign). Building on these findings and adopting the unique lens of AI ambidexterity, we present a comprehensive framework explaining how the interplay of these three themes impacted the startup's social, technical, and cognitive tiers.





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