Author ORCID Identifier
Kapil Kaushik: 0000-0002-7153-0055
Subramania Raju Rajasulochana: 0000-0003-3597-4991
Amol S. Dhaigude: 0000-0003-4563-4026
Several governments are leveraging social media for political communication. While the phenomenon of gate-keeping in filtering information through social media has received attention from scholars, the role of diverse meso-entities (comprising pressure groups, experts, and professionals) in influencing digital political communication remains under-studied. We explore the trend in communicating a specific program for electoral gains and identify different types of entities that reshape and disseminate political communication on Twitter, with an illustration of the launch of the public health insurance program in India. We find the significant presence of meso-level entities that played an instrumental role in influencing political communication from macro to microlevel entities through the digital platform. We extend the Jungherr, Schoen, and Jürgens (2016) framework of macro to micro-level political communication in social media by recommending a few propositions to be tested in future studies. Further, this study also contributes to information diffusion theory by explicating the role of various information intermediaries in influencing information flow from macro to micro users on social media platforms.
Recommended Citation
Kaushik, K., Rajasulochana, S. R., & Dhaigude, A. S. (2024). Are we Missing Some Forces? An Exploratory Study Based on Twitter Analytics of Political Communication. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 54, 547-578. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05420
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