By 2021, Hortilux, a Dutch horticultural grow light company, offered multiple digital services in its low-code-based HortiSense IoT platform. HortiSense was developed to fulfill the company’s mission of moving from a product-centric to a service-centric solution provider. Based on interviews with IT and non-IT employees, the case explores an example of a company using low-code development beyond simple task automation and illustrates the company’s journey in bringing its IoT platform to market quickly despite a technical talent deficit. The case introduces low-code development, its opportunities, and challenges, and guides the reader to analyze the potential of low-code innovation in an industry undergoing digital transformation.
Recommended Citation
Novales, A., & Mancha, R. (2023). How Hortilux Used Low-Code to Develop Its IoT Digital Services. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53, 924-937. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05338
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