Author ORCID Identifier
Jacqueline Corbett: 0000-0001-6025-5740
Denis Dennehy: 0000-0001-9931-762X
Lemuria Carter: 0000-0002-2364-3100
In 2022, we launched a call for papers for a special section on digital innovation for social development and environmental action. The call was motivated by the need for the information systems discipline to move beyond talking about sustainability to taking actions to address important challenges facing society and the planet. Many authors responded to the call and we are pleased to present the fruits of their labors. In this introduction to the special section, we discuss the motivations for the special section, explain how the special section came together, highlight key points of interest in the eight papers that make up the special section, and reflect on future directions for information systems research.
Recommended Citation
Corbett, J., Dennehy, D., & Carter, L. (2023). Introduction to the Special Section: Digital Innovation for Social Development and Environmental Action. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53, 22-41. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05302
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