Author ORCID Identifier
Craig Van Slyke: 0000-0003-3924-1859
Grant Clary: 0000-0003-1000-7305
Eric A. Sutherland: 0009-0006-9525-2877
We live in an on-demand world where digital content can be consumed when and where we want. In this paper, we report on a project that used on-demand content consumption (i.e., podcasts) as supplemental material for higher education students. Each 5-10-minute podcast provides an overview of the assigned chapter readings. Our work makes several contributions. First, we discuss some implications of the current on-demand society on higher education. Second, we provide information regarding podcasting as a method for aligning learning with students’ desires for on-demand media consumption. As part of this discussion, we demonstrate through a survey and download statistics how our low-cost initiative yielded sufficiently positive results to merit continuation. Finally, we detail the process of creating podcasts for our readers to replicate and adapt our initiative, including providing tips and discussing ways to adapt our process to other higher education courses.
Recommended Citation
Van Slyke, C., Clary, G., & Sutherland, E. A. (2023). On-Demand Learning: Podcasting in an Introduction to Information Systems Course. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53, 682-705. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05328
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