Author ORCID Identifier
Raffaele F Ciriello: 0000-0002-5073-6310
Jason Bennett Thatcher: 0000-0002-7136-8836
The publication process in many academic disciplines, including in Information Systems (IS), can seem arduous and unpredictable, particularly for early career researchers. While the literature offers plentiful guidance on how to pursue publication acceptance, this paper offers a crisp summary of common mistakes that lead to rejection and provides six actionable inversion strategies for avoiding them. Namely, when preparing a paper, we recommend you (1) abstain from methodological promiscuity and (2) never overclaim (but try not to underclaim either); When submitting a paper, it is a good idea to (3) steer clear of bootlicking and (3) avoid sloppiness; and, after receiving the reviews, you should (5) forego belligerence, and (6) stop flogging a dead horse. These inversion strategies can help early career researchers better navigate the review process, increasing the chances of their papers maturing, and helping to avoid mistakes that lower the chance of publishing in high-quality IS journals.
Recommended Citation
Ciriello, R., & Thatcher, J. B. (2023). Six Inversion Strategies for Avoiding Rejection in Academic Publishing: Lessons from the IS Discipline. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53, 458-474. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05319
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