Author ORCID Identifier
Sarah Cherki El Idrissi: 0009-0005-3771-1070
Jacqueline Corbett: 0000-0001-6025-5740
Sehl Mellouli: 0000-0003-0977-4603
While information systems organizations recognize the importance of incorporating responsible innovation into their activities, they often face difficulty implementing this practice because employees lack the required knowledge and skills, particularly the capacity for reflexivity and reflection. This paper aims to accelerate responsible innovation teaching and training for information systems students to expedite the process of positive change for sustainability. Using the action design research methodology and the responsible innovation lens, we developed a workshop enabling information systems students to form measurable reflection skills. The workshop evaluation suggests that learning took place and that students are willing to adopt responsible innovation in their future workplaces. A set of design guidelines is proposed to guide further training programs to enhance students’ ability to address complex challenges responsibly. This paper answers the call for more impactful information systems research to address societal and environmental challenges and enriches the literature on sustainable social development and business practices.
Recommended Citation
El Idrissi, S., Corbett, J., & Mellouli, S. (2023). An Action Design Research Study on Responsible Innovation Teaching and Training for Information Systems Students. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53, 728-750. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05330
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