The world is confronted with the grand challenge of food insecurity amidst growing populations and the climate crisis. Artificial intelligence (AI) deployed in agricultural decision support systems (AgriDSS) raises both hopes and concerns for increasing agricultural productivity in sustainable ways. In this paper, we conduct a scoping review to uncover the roadblocks to the use of AI-supported AgriDSS in sustainable agriculture. Based on the corpus of 121 articles, we find that the effective use of AI-supported AgriDSS is hindered at technical, social, ethical, and ecological levels. Then, drawing on the experiential learning perspective, we propose how conjoint experiential learning (CEL) can enhance sustainable agricultural practices by enhancing both AI and human learning and overcoming roadblocks in using AgriDSS. Based on this conceptual framework, we build a research agenda that suggests blind spots and possible directions for future research.
Recommended Citation
Lakshmi, V., & Corbett, J. (2023). Using AI to Improve Sustainable Agricultural Practices: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53, 96-137. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05305
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