This essay represents the lessons I learned over a three-year term serving as editor-in-chief of Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS). The discussion revolves around general observations of the IS field, the relationship between these observations of the IS field and CAIS and CAIS's unique mission and how that mission serves stakeholders, authors, readers, editorial team members, and touches on the logistics of managing a journal. The discussions focus on the use of theory in IS knowledge production, the meaning of a contribution, the goal of examining and challenging widely held assumptions and positions, as well as building on prior knowledge.
Recommended Citation
Niederman, F. (2023). Reflections on CAIS and the IS Field from a Former Editor-in-Chief. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 52, 1050-1067. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05248
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