The South African Department of Basic Education (DBE) has considered the introduction of Tablet PCs an important aspect of improving the quality of education in South Africa. The Covid-19 pandemic has hastened the introduction of Tablet PCs due to the increased need for distance and online learning. Educators are often unwilling to accept and use Tablet PCs for teaching and learning because they do not have the necessary skills to integrate Tablet PCs into their pedagogical practices. This paper discusses the practical implications of the introduction of Tablet PCs into previously disadvantaged schools in South Africa specifically during the Covid-19 pandemic. To provide guidance to the DBE, principals, and educators to promote the effective use and acceptance of Tablet PCs by educators for classroom and distance learning.
Recommended Citation
Theunissen, K., & Siebörger, I. (2023). The Use of Tablet PCs in Previously Disadvantaged Secondary Schools in South Africa During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 52, 638-656. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05227
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