The utility of social media as an anti-corruption mechanism, although widely acknowledged, is less investigated, both empirically and theoretically. Accordingly, in this study, through a cross-country panel analysis and grounding our arguments on Habermas's theory of democracy, we explore the relationships among social media diffusion, e-participation, and corruption, in addition to the evolution of these relationships over time. Our results indicate that social media diffusion has a positive relationship with e-participation, which, in turn, has a negative relationship with corruption. Further, results show that the strength of these relationships wanes over time. These findings can help policymakers make informed decisions regarding the strategies for controlling corruption by increasing social media diffusion and e-participation.
Recommended Citation
Arayankalam, J., & Krishnan, S. (2022). Social Media as a Source of Citizens' Communicative Power: Relating Social Media Diffusion, E-participation, and Corruption. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 51, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05114
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