Student research aligns well with recent movements to a learner-centered educational paradigm. However, despite student research’s learning benefits, the IS literature has paid limited attention to the topic. We require easy-to-follow student research frameworks and case studies and ways to measure research-teaching integration’s benefits. I address this knowledge gap in this essay. I present a research apprenticeship model that serves as an adaptable framework for integrating student research into existing study programs and teaching practices. I evaluate its benefits through personal reflections and students’ self-reported learning outcomes. I interpret these benefits by drawing on learning theory and, in particular, the two concepts “legitimate peripheral participation” and “community of practice”. I claim that the model helps students become legitimate members of the IS research community of practice. With this essay, I contribute to the literature by identifying situated learning elements that student research requires to succeed and describe model components that support legitimate peripheral participation in the community. Subsequently, I relate these contributions to extant IS literature, discuss their implications for teaching practice, derive recommendations, and highlight potential future research topics.
Recommended Citation
Müller, S. D. (2022). Student Research as Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 50, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.05016
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