Motivation to Participate in Professional Development in Technologically Intensive Work Environments
Maintaining professional competency in an environment with rapid technological innovation may seem to be an insurmountable task since new technologies often become obsolete before technology professionals can master them. Although research has established that challenging work assignments affect professional motivation, research has also established that overly challenging work assignments can demotivate people. In particular, research has called for work that examines the relationship between the technical updating climate (TUC) and learning motivation in the professional development activity context. To fill this gap, we collected data from 174 IT professionals who exemplify professionals working in such environments. We found evidence that showed locus of control, self-efficacy, and technical updating climate could predict 43 percent of the variation in the IT professional’s motivation to participate in professional development. The research model that we propose demonstrates a strong ability to explain motivation to engage in professional development in technologically intensive work contexts. Furthermore, we successfully operationalized and validated the technical updating climate as both an instance of positive climate and as an organizational climate.
Recommended Citation
Wingreen, S. C., Klaus, T., Schambach, T., & Blanton, J. (2021). Motivation to Participate in Professional Development in Technologically Intensive Work Environments. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 49, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04926
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