In this paper, we present a comprehensive and distilled model that can help researchers to 1) enter the e-government field, 2) understand what the field mainly studies in a distilled way, and 3) reflect on further research in the field. Departing from Steven Alter’s (2013) work systems theory and particularly his work systems framework (WSF), we introduce a framework for understanding e-government work systems (i.e., the eGovWSF). We distil the basic core of e-government work systems through an interpretative and hermeneutic approach by building on previous research and theorizations made in information systems and e-government research. We unpack the eGovWSF into 12 main elements; discuss their role as internal, semi-external, and external to e-government work systems; and reflect on the connections between these elements. Thus, contributions include a conceptual discussion on e-government’s core subject matter, the framework’s applicability, and future research needs.
Recommended Citation
Lindgren, I., Melin, U., & Sæbø, Ø. (2021). What is E-Government? Introducing a Work System Framework for Understanding E-Government. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04842
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