The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the way we work, learn, and interact with others in society. Academic institutions have responded to the pandemic by shifting face-to-face teaching to online instruction. However, whether online instruction succeeds also depends on students’ social and physical learning environment, particularly in developing countries. In this paper, we discuss how learning space challenges exacerbate the digital divide. We argue that weak digital infrastructure, combined with family and social dynamics, create learning space inequality that negatively influence learning outcomes. We provide recommendations on how academic institutions can reimagine content delivery, evaluation, and student support to mitigate learning space inequalities.
Recommended Citation
Singh, J., Sharma, S. K., & Gupta, P. (2021). Physical Learning Environment Challenges in the Digital Divide: How to Design Effective Instruction during COVID-19?. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04818
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